Chapter 1267: Interlude: Unstoppable Momentum…?

A mere ten days after the summoning of Maxwell, equating to seventy within the Projection, the enigmatic Conceptual Entity finally reached the point Vahn had been awaiting. Maxwell spent the majority of his time just idling about in the garden of his private Manor located on the southern tip of Avalon. He rarely interacted with others and instead spent most …

Chapter 1266: Interlude: Ripples and Waves

At this point, more than fourteen months had passed for the Designer Babies that Vahn had invited to live within his castle. Compared to their past selves, who were full of fears and inhibitions, they now lived free and happy lives without fearing whether or not they would survive to experienced another day of torture. They didn’t even have to …

Chapter 1265: Interlude: Human Nature and the Desire for Freedom

With the fall of one of the Three Monarchal Families, the Mage’s Association experienced a period of unease that eclipsed even that of Angra Mainyu’s imminent emergence. After all, one incident was, to some, in the far off future. The other, however, was something completely outside of expectations as, for more than two-thousand years, families like the Barthomeloi had been …

Chapter 1264: Temporary Lull

As the day gave way to the night, Vahn found himself seated in one of the massive studies of the Edelfelt mansion. He was relaxing on a chaise lounge that could easily accommodate several people, Gareth seated at his side and Fenrir laying across his lap. Both girls had contented expressions on their faces as they allowed him to freely …

Chapter 1263: Providence…?

In the wake of Aoko’s departure, Vahn escorted the majority of his group back to Avalon. Those that remained behind were Olivia, Luvia, Fenrir, and Gareth. The former pairing had a lot to take care of in the aftermath of the Barthomeloi family’s fall while the latter two were there to accompany him as he waited for Scáthach’s return. Vahn …

Chapter 1262: Questions, Concerns, Complaints?

Before Vahn could sit down and discuss things with Olivia and Aoko, the former made him return to Avalon to pick up Luvia and Ulla. Though it wasn’t exactly the best time to bring Ulla outside of the Projection, Olivia needed Luvia to help clean up the aftermath of the Barthomeloi’s fall. Even with Scáthach wreaking havoc, there was a …

Chapter 1261: Futility

Despite having claws at her throat, Aoko just raised her hands in a surrender gesture, an awkward smile on her face as she stated in a mock-casual manner, “Hey now, there is no reason to be like this. I’m sorry, okay…?” If she went all out, Aoko would be able to extricate herself from this situation but, as it wasn’t …

Chapter 1260: Exacerbation

While some might have considered it a possibility, there were very few people within the stands who thought they would be seeing the death of the ‘Queen’ today. Though few had the chance to witness exactly how powerful Lorelei was, they knew she was a great deal stronger than any of her contemporaries. This included Magi in preceding generations and …

Chapter 1259: Empress vs. Queen

Though she felt angrier in this one moment than any other preceding it, Lorelei adopted a calm and cold visage as she made her way to the area designated for her. Unlike her usual outfit, Lorelei had replaced her white petticoat with a sleeveless tactical combat vest. It might not look like much, but the thin plating would be able …

Chapter 1258: Setting the Stage

The duel between Lorelei and Artoria had been scheduled for noon so, after idling in the waiting area for around half an hour, it was nearing time for the battle to begin. At this point, the only thing they were really waiting for was the arrival of Solon or, in this case, Aoko Aozaki. Without someone to officiate the event, …