Chapter 996 – Approach the Precipice

It’s hard to turn my thoughts away from Jim and his eventual fate, but I force my mind to shift onto other priorities. If anything, it’s a relief to have him finally caught and dealt with. It wasn’t enough for him to betray us the once, he had to run around… slither around, and continue to try and bring down …

Chapter 995 – The Return

The justice of the Colony is possibly one way in which they are more alien to other sapient races than any other. What is important to them, what is not, where they are harsh, where they are lenient, doesn’t always make sense to the outsider. Some of their penalties could be considered unspeakably cruel in some circles, but the ants …

Chapter 994 – Be Civil

When Sarah woke, she felt a deep sense of peace. She remembered this feeling, from before, when the rage had burned itself out and she had collapsed, exhausted, in a tunnel. When she woke, the fear and anger were blessedly muted, consumed. It wouldn’t last long. She would slowly rouse herself to find the signs of battle all around her, …

Chapter 993 – Self Reflection (?!)

That… was exhausting. Holy moly I’m tired. I managed to break the stalemate, but it wasn’t exactly the most subtle or efficient way to do it. This is why I leave the thinking to the Council. I nearly died, but hey, the problem has been solved! The bruan’chii are more than happy to keep rolling the offensive forward. The poor …

Chapter 992 – Tree Fall pt 5

The appearance of the Blademasters on the field changed the situation dramatically. Grand Marshal Cicera considered the scene that spread before her with a pensive frown. Centurions had been hunted down in the confusion and chaos of the battlefield, disrupting the chain of command and leaving a quarter of the legionaries sent over the bridge blowing in the wind. It …

Chapter 991 – Tree fall pt 4

Up amongst the roots of the Tree the fighting grew ever more intense. This close to the trunk, the mighty monster could exert more of its strength. Twisted roots as thick as buildings rumbled as they rose from the ground to reveal gnashing teeth, barbed vines and poison-spitting flowers that regrew almost as quickly as they were destroyed. Mana thundered …

Chapter 990 – Tree Fall pt 3

Breathe. In. Hold. Release. Hold. Breathe. In. Hold. Release. Hold. Slowly. Patience was required. The sharpest blade couldn’t be forged in a day. The metal had to be unearthed, refined, smelted, shaped, heated and cooled over and over again until the final temper had been achieved. The perfect weapon was the work of a lifetime. And so was Orrina. She …

Chapter 989 – Tree Fall pt 2

Fifty thousand Legionaries and a hundred thousand auxiliaries made up the army under the Grand Marshal’s command. A mighty force that any in the Dungeon would fear to confront.  This level of commitment wouldn’t normally be needed, even to annihilate a powerful Mythic grade monster. But when a powerful Mythic grade monster began to populate the Dungeon with its own …

Chapter 988 – Tree Fall pt 1

50 Years before Anthony is Reborn. Legionaries were known to obsess over the condition of their Abyssal armour. Fussing over the plates, burnishing the living stone, polishing the enchanted metal. All of these were important, vital components that ensured the proper function of the suit, providing the all-important protection that allowed their soldiers to endure blows no other army could, …

Chapter 987 – Brilliant in the more-than-one-verse of severe confusion

There is an element of madness to every mage who dares to tackle dimensional magic. I’m uncertain if this has to do with the mana required, the convoluted nature of the spells, or the fiendish difficulty, but for whatever reason, dimensional mages are almost universally deranged. My friend, the great Magio-Scholar Timus, has a pet theory that the overwhelming stimulation …