Chapter 966 – Colony Vs Colony pt 6

Having upgraded myself to peak condition, and with my friends and allies having done the same, it’s time to descend below and inflict true despair upon the termite foe! MUAHAHAHAAA! With my newfound abilities and near-perfect mutations, the termites won’t know what hit them. As we march down the extended root system of the Mother Tree, heading towards the village …

Chapter 965 – Upskill the Side hustle

Gawd. Mutating is such an itch in the thorax. Once more, only once more and I’ll be done for my current evolution. Though that means I’m drawing ever nearer to the next tier, and who can say how many mutations I’ll have to go through in that one? If I reset my carapace, I’ll have to go through all of …

Chrysalis Volume 1: The Antventure Begins!

The book is live people! You can grab it on Kindle Unlimited, Amazon and get the audiobook through audible if you’re interested! Whoo! Apparently I need more words…. More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words More Words …

Chapter 964 – Sweet Relief

When the light of the portal fades to nothing and I find myself standing atop the roots of the Mother Tree I practically sag with relief. The pain! It’s… not gone! It’s mostly gone, faded into the background to the point where I can tolerate it much more easily. And thank goodness for that. I was seriously hitting my limit …

Chapter 963 – Droppin’ Plops

“I’m really not sure about this,” Isaac muttered under his breath. [That makes two of us…] his new partner replied. “I really didn’t think they would go for this as enthusiastically as they did.” [It’s how we are. If there’s an advantage in it, we’re more than happy to explore it. Even if it does prove to be… unconventional.] Isaac …

Chapter 962 – Rubbed the Scales the Wrong Way

The two sides stare each other down, the tension thick in the air. Outside of myself and the elder Ka’armodo, along with his attendants, nobody is listening in on our conversation, but apparently the body language is enough to put everyone on edge. In front of me stand a hundred giant lizards and five times that many Setsulah. If that …

Chapter 961 – Bug Zapper

Is the Colony evil? The monstrous ant foe poses a conundrum, as far as enemies go. It’s very easy to paint such alien creatures as ‘other’, distinct from the sapient people of Pangera, and therefore remove sympathy. The ants do not speak, in the conventional sense; they don’t even make sound. When describing them to someone with no direct experience …

Chapter 960 – Running Amok

The first day in the third stratum was the worst. Along with Crinis, Tiny and Invidia, I rushed about trying to put out fires and help the Colony in every way that I could. We took part in the siege of a city, overrunning the defenders in spectacular style, leaping from a pillar that rose ten kilometres high. I left …

Chapter 959 – Adventures with Tolly

Hello my dear readers, it is wonderful to be able to share with you the next instalment of my adventures amidst the lands of the Colony! When last we spoke, I had been assured that a meeting with THE Queen was quite simply impossible, outside of a crusade of the most bloody sort to fight through tens of thousands of …

Chapter 958 – That Deep Despair

Deep within Pangera, things were stirring. Stone cracked, ice shattered, fire roared and winds howled. The monsters of this deep darkness revelled in the flood of mana that poured from the centre of the Dungeon, eyeing the rivals with whom they had sparred for hundreds, if not thousands of years whilst younger beasts stepped lightly, desperate to avoid the eye …