Chapter 937 – Wake the Beast

The door was shaking on its hinges. A piece of Legion history, the door to the Consul Chamber had stood for three thousand years. Abyssal steel, forged during the Rending, formed the core of the massive doors, which stood over ten metres tall, covered in potent enchantments of hardening and regeneration powered by Mythic cores. Atop that unbreakable frame, layer …

Chapter 936 – Biomass Spending

The delicious sensation of new and powerful spells is one thing, but now that it’s done I have to turn to another experience, one that is perhaps less pleasant. Mutation time! Gotta improve that body and push my limits to beyond the… limit. Or something. I’ve managed to gather around six hundred Biomass, not a bad effort given the fact …

Chapter 935 – New Toys

Ranking up my elemental magic after such a long time is a nice milestone and one that I’m super pleased about. What sort of delicious new spells will I gain access to? I’ve only very recently seen what dumping all of my gravity magic into a bomb can do, and whilst it’s obviously mega powerful, I can only shoot one …

Chapter 934 – The Tally Man

“I’m telling you! We found a super, suuuper fishy scent trail and we decided to follow it!” “How much of that was wanting to investigate a possible threat and how much of it was just wanting to keep running once you got your speed up?” “Both-both! Running is fun! Investigating for the family is important!” I mean. That’s true… “Just …

Chapter 933 – Tolly Tours

I must say, my dear readers, that I was positively giddy at the prospect of being able to interview the most celebrated individual member of the Colony. I had thought that speaking to Elizabant would have slaked my curiosity, but instead, it only inflamed it! For a queen to be so deferential to this ‘Eldest’, the ‘Great One’ that the …

Chapter 932 – Shadow of Fear

The orphans were playing in the street below and Enid smiled to see their carefree antics. One of the older girls caught her eye through the window and waved cheerfully, flashing a broad grin when Enid waved back. It soothed her old heart, watching the young ones play. Goodness knows she wouldn’t be around much longer, but little moments like …

Chapter 931 – Promise

The pain was beyond bone deep. Inside the communal bond, where once his servant, Issi, had been, was now a wound that tore into his very soul. Rassan’tep clamped his fangs together and forced himself to rise, despite the protests of his body. The air was still filled with dust, visibility was poor, but he began to move toward the …

Chapter 930 – Death of a Star

The gravity bomb screams into life and I almost instantly die. The pulling force of the spell is so strong it almost rips me from my feet before I grip hard to the ground beneath me to prevent being ripped from the ground. The spell soon moves far enough away that the immediate danger is over and I can relax …

Chapter 929 – The United Ant’s Front

In seconds I had enough fire mana to send spears of bright flame roaring through the air, igniting every bit of fungus that they drew close to. Smoke and fire billowed out immediately, drifting over the wide entrance to the termite mound and sending every one of the blind insects into a frenzy. Then I rush forward, my jaws locking …

Chapter 928 – Hot on the Trail

[Run, run, run!] I holler at the others as we continue to sprint through the mould covered forest. It really is obnoxious to run through this mess. There’s mould beneath us, beside us and crawling up the trees to cover the canopy above us. It’s like being in a suffocating winter wonderland except far more horrifying. Especially now that some …