Chapter 917 – Colony v Colony pt 1 (of two hundred)

The rate the termites emerge from the tunnel continues to increase as the first to emerge begin to charge against the fortifications we have erected. “FIRE!” The order ripples through the line, causing mages to unleash their spells and others to let fly their devastating acid barrage. Naturally, I do both, raining hell using my acid and blasting out fire …

Chapter 916 – Hold the Line

For the next twenty four hours all mandibles were placed into work teams and we worked like only insects can to prepare ourselves for the inevitable retribution that would come. As of this moment, the termites, and by extension the kaarmodo, don’t know that we’ve arrived, not a single termite came into contact with an ant and lived to tell …

Chapter 915 – The Rush

[These filthy termites have been busy…] I complain. [I’ll say,] Sarah agrees, [they’ve dug all through this area. I’m not sure ten thousand of us is going to be enough.] [It’ll have to be. The Colony has sent the best and brightest down here, which is going to make us more vulnerable to retaliation from the kaarmodo in the third …

Chapter 914 – Digging In

The battle frenzy of the Colony was an ephemeral thing. Once the termites were gone, their Biomass consumed and scent wiped away, my siblings and I were able to return to a more normal state of mind and begin to tackle the numerous problems at hand. “The mana down here is absurdly thick. I feel like my core is on …

Chapter 913 – The Most Brutal Of All

No quarter. No mercy. No hesitation. No remorse. There can be only one. Wisdom of the Eldest. Seized with a primal rage that bubbles from a genetic level, my siblings rush forward, all thought of strategy abandoned as their mandibles gnash eagerly. Even I feel it, the emotions of the Colony flooding through me and adding to the urgent need …

Chapter 912 – The Creed

Suffer not the termite to live. Excerpt from ‘Wisdom of the Eldest’ [No, we don’t need to get settled or any such thing. We came to kill termites, lead us to the front, we are keen to begin the work,] I tell the Grove Keeper, who seems a little disconcerted. [You should adapt to the mana level before fighting,] he …

Chapter 911 – The Realm of Myth

The first stratum is filled with beasts of all kinds. Vicious growls and the sounds of battle ring constantly here, in this, the weakest area of the Dungeon.  The second is filled with shadow and cold and death. A place of darkness where creatures of spun shadow swim and crawl through an endless maze where light is quiet.  The third …

chapter 910 – Drawn Down

There are no precise records of how old the Mother Tree may actually be. Without being present to see her spawn within the Dungeon it wouldn’t be possible to know this information. Along with the more secretive, long-lived nature of plant monsters it isn’t difficult to understand why documented sightings of her are so rare. Only when she evolved and …

Chapter 909 – Soul Crushing

Once the council meeting ends it’s almost as if I feel a gear shift within the Colony. By the time I make it back to Orpule the change has already occurred and ants who I thought couldn’t possibly work any faster are zipping about like possessed creatures. A steady flow of burning determination creeps into me through the Vestibule as …

Chapter 908 – Something Grander

“Termites.” The council recoils in shock, snapping at the air, their antennae twirling violently through the air. “That is quite uncomfortable,” Coolant observes in a detached way, as if she weren’t currently gnashing empty space as if it had a head she wanted to remove. “WhataretermitesI’veneverheardofthembeforebutallofasuddenIwanttofightthingsrealbad!” “Vibrant…” “Sorry-sorry! Sometimes I forget. Anyway, I really want to fight something right now, …