Chapter 907 – The Enemy

The word ‘termites’ rattles around in my head like an out of control, rage inducing pinball. If I had a lip it would be curled! If I could hiss, I would hiss! Which is weird, since I don’t really have anything against termites per se, yet I feel an overwhelming need to rend flooding me. Look! My mandibles are actively …

Chapter 906 – Face Off

I watch the kaarmodo force turn and walk away with decidedly mixed feelings. Obviously, them leaving is a good thing and should be celebrated. We didn’t have to kill any of them, they didn’t manage to kill any of us, therefore this can be pencilled in as a win. We have managed to preserve the garden of the damn tree …

Chapter 905 – Rising Sands Pt 3

Life without the Eldest to guide has been difficult for the Colony. They sleep, a deserved rest to be sure, and in the meantime we have had to adjust, to overcome the challenges that Pangera presents to us without our wisest councillor and most farseeing leader. It has been like growing up for the Colony, in many ways. No longer …

Chapter 904 – Rising Sands

Rassan’tep looked out over the assembled masses of insect monsters and tasted the air with his tongue. Across the bond he could feel the minds of his attendants stir with trepidation. They had not expected to see so many. In the lead of the insect formation an enormous specimen, larger than the kaarmodo even, stood to attention, it’s gleaming carapace …

Chapter 903 – Rising Sands pt 1

“Are you sure that you aren’t responsible, Eldest?” “What are you talking about, Sloan? I’ve been the soul of caution out here. All of this can be blamed on the plant. How are we supposed to know that the kaarmodo and the bruan’chii are have some sort of dust up?” The general flicks her antennae in irritation. “We’d heard that …

Chapter 902 – Sizing Up

“Are you sure that you aren’t responsible, Eldest?”   “What are you talking about, Sloan? I’ve been the soul of caution out here. All of this can be blamed on the plant. How are we supposed to know that the kaarmodo and the bruan’chii are having some sort of dust up?”   The general flicks her antennae in irritation.   …

Chapter 901 – To Be Tolly

I have been in many a dangerous or difficult scenario my dear readers, as well you know! It has been my joy over my forty year career to bring you my tales of adventure and insights into the many wonders our world of Pangera has to offer, and we have shared some incredible times. The blood falls of the hidden …

Chapter 900 – No Fault

“There’s something really strange about those things,” Brilliant said. “No kidding?” I reply sarcastically, “I would never have thought that on my own, watching this damn garden of terror explode over the plains.” “That’s not what I mean,” the much smaller ant waves my complaint aside, “I’m talking dimensionally. Also, the Dungeon sense I have is going wild. It’s as …

Chapter 899 – The Roots

Did anyone ever fight an ancient and live to tell the tale? As with all things that occurred during the Rending, it can be very difficult to find reputable sources. Though the Legion had not yet grown to be the global initiative that is has become today, our predecessors did come into contact with the monsters and attempted to battle …

Chapter 898 – Raised in the Shadow pt 3

No matter how much he did, there was always more to do, Beyn lamented as he faced down a desk full of paperwork. Whoever had managed to start creating paper in Renewal was both a blessing and a curse in the priest’s opinion. It was so much easier to organise things now, but the sheer number of documents that he …