Chapter 887 – Wriggle and Worm

The hot air of the third stratum burned against his skin and Jim cursed as his tender flesh seared in the open air. He wasn’t built to be exposed like this which was probably why they demanded he come out of the protective soil for this discussion. The demon city of Arkesh loomed high above them, the five tiers of …

Chapter 886 – Little Talks

There’s just something so thrilling about delving deep into the Dungeon my dear readers! I can scarce describe it, the growing sense of unease and foreboding as the mana thickens in the air around you and the tunnel walls close in. Who knows what monster might lie around the next corner? What mystery the Dungeon will throw at you next? …

Chapter 885 – Diplomatic Immunity

Fantastic, just what I needed, another giant lizard in my life. Haven’t I dealt with enough of these things?! Considering our minds are connected, I carefully shield my exasperation and reply. [Hey there, lizard bro! How’s things? Life treating you well? Try not to dry out too much down here, gets a bit warm in these parts. Make sure you, …

Chapter 884 – Get That Worm!

 [He’s close! We need to get all minds on the job. Try and find his mana signature. It’ll be hard, he’s good at hiding, so we need to get on this now!] [Anthony…] Sarah’s mind hesitantly reaches out to mine. [Later,] I tell her brusquely, [I can hear what you have to say later. The Colony won’t be dissuaded on …

Chapter 883 – Use The Force

[Gah! Another ghast! Who’s turn is it?] [It’s mine,] Sarah replied grumpily, [I’m willing to give it away though…] Tiny immediately shot his hand up, an eager expression on his face. [Settle down you big lug. Sheesh, you don’t even get to eat ’em when they’re done. Are you this greedy for experience as well now?] The big ape gives …

Chapter 882 – A Whole New World

Hello dear readers! Tolly here, once again reporting on my ongoing adventures in the lands of the Colony! The town of Renewal and the surrounding farmlands were a picturesque and inspiring sight that told a tale of the strength of the living spirit. People who had risen up and rebuilt their lives after a devastating disaster at the hands of …

Chapter 881 – Finger Pistols

Isn’t it incredible how quickly time flies when you’re having fun with your friends? It seems like only yesterday that we set out from Orpule to scour these new hunting grounds for delicious, delicious prey. By the by, I don’t want to give the impression that demons are tasty, they certainly aren’t. Their hides are tough as steel and like …

Chapter 880 – The History

The Colony recoiled from the reprimand of its Eldest and most respected member as if it had been bitten on the antennae. It has not happened many times, when the Eldest directly criticised the actions and decisions of its family, but each occurrence has resulted in great upheaval and a paradigm shift that changed the course of the Colony forever. …

Chapter 879 – Suit up

[So this is the full armour set, huh?] [Yep, it’s heavy, but it works very well.] I didn’t get a good look at the full suit during the assault but now that I can have a real sticky-beak up close I have to say that fully armoured Sarah is intimidating as hell. She is already a well-built monster in terms …

Chapter 878 – Adventure

“Look, it might not have turned out how you expected, but you’ve still done a lot for the Colony. You can’t let this keep you down forever.” “…” “I mean, is it really that painful? Being alive? You’ve given yourself a whole new opportunity to fight for the Colony and help your family. Think about all the difficult struggles and …