Chapter 877 – The Lesson

The history of organised religion on Pangera is a troubled one, though that could be said of many other institutions that exist on the planet. I do not seek to make excuses mind you, I am simply observing the universal truism that when groups of people of different, or even the same race, gather together, there is inevitable conflict. So …

Chapter 876 – Leisure Time

The origins of the mother tree are difficult to determine, even for us. Her children have been consulted on many occasions but not even the most talkative Grove Keeper was willing to spill even an iota of their parent’s secret history. What we can say with certainty is that she was spawned somewhere between the third and fifth strata, most …

Chapter 875 – Old Friends

The air burned as Torrifex strode past, superheated by the seemingly endless energy that rolled off the massive demon in waves. Omen had not been able to determine exactly what species the tier eight monstrosity was, but it clearly had some root in a fire affinity. The demon had many other weapons he could deploy, Omen had witnessed this, but …

Chapter 874 – Ponder, Ponder

The council had thought long and hard about the potential of bringing Brixin on as an ally. Whilst she was an enemy in one sense, that wasn’t really how demonic society functioned. She was expansionist by her very nature, she needed conquest and control the same way Grokus had needed to stuff his face and wallow in luxury, and if …

Chapter 873 – Less Than You Expect But More Than You Think

How does one tier of monster stack up against another? It’s a difficult question to answer, contrary to the expectations of many. “Bigger numbers are better, surely” is a sentiment I have heard repeated far too often and from those who should know better. It’s amazing how easily you can find idiots, no matter the field. Walk into the highest …

Chapter 872 – Landing Is The Best Part

Watching Brixin and her two chumps being bathed in the combined firepower of my siblings is certainly entertaining, almost entertaining enough to make me forget that I’m about to land in a world of hurt, but luckily I come back to myself quickly enough to roll over and look down at my waiting pets. To my joy and somewhat to …

Chapter 871 – Assault on Orpule final

With the demons high overhead the only way the Colony could reach them was to unleash their best spells and acid blasts, doing everything possible to force the demons down, or at least drain them of mana so they were no longer a threat. As I watch, it seems to be working. The demons use shields to block attacks as …

Chapter 870 – Assault on orpule pt 12

All of the power in this world flows from the Dungeon. Cores are its greatest wealth, experience is its greatest power. For this reason one might think that the bulk of the population would dwell within the Dungeon itself, pursuing all that Pangera has to offer to its people, but this is far from the truth. In reality, the majority …

Chapter 869 – Assault On Orpule pt 10

All of the power in this world flows from the Dungeon. Cores are its greatest wealth, experience is its greatest power. For this reason one might think that the bulk of the population would dwell within the Dungeon itself, pursuing all that Pangera has to offer to its people, but this is far from the truth. In reality, the majority …

Chapter 868 – Assault on Orpule pt 10

When the tide turns, it turns quickly. Sarah has taken immense damage with her reckless fighting style but all that happens is she goes harder. With literally dozens of healers lined up behind her it doesn’t seem as though she’s going to have any trouble maintaining her HP either, no matter how much pain the demons try to rain down …