Chapter 867 – Assault on Orpule pt 9

I watched in surprise as Sarah, of all the monsters on this ramp, sailed through the air and crash landed on the plate, soon followed by Tiny. Luckily the Colony wasn’t as distracted by their antics as I was and utilised the distraction to extend the ramp in a rush, crashing it into the side of the plate as the …

Chapter 866 – Assault on Orpule pt 8

The Immortals thundered through the wide streets of Roklu, a tidal wave of chitin and steel that seemed to rattle the foundations of the world itself as they ran. How many tons massed their combined charge? Who could say, certainly not Leeroy, who ran deliriously at the head of their flying wedge formation. “This is it my sisters!” she roared, …

Chapter 865 – Assault on Orpule pt 7

Sloan looked out over the seemingly endless open space of the third stratum with trepidation in her heart. Everything that could be done had been done. The city had been rebuilt from the ground up, its defences strengthened, over ten thousand valiant ants were in position to act as the garrison and fend off any assault, an assault that they …

Chapter 864 – Assault on Orpule pt 6

Sarah paced back and forth on the ramp as she strove to keep her bubbling anger from rising up. Though she put a brave face on it, she was still scared. Scared of this battle, scared of what the Colony was attempting to achieve, scared of being so high up on a ramp with no rails and scared of herself. …

Chapter 863 – Assault on Orpule 5

The defensive strategy of the Colony is a brutal one. Though they shy away from attrition warfare in principle, they have been known to engage in it when the grim calculus of war is sufficiently in their favour. If you are losing ten soldiers for every ant you kill, then that isn’t a fight that will go well for you. …

chapter 861 – return of my old friend

Ah mutating. The subtle joy of making some selections within your mind and then having your body literally transform into a better and more capable version of itself. Not only is it mega-convenient, it’s super addictive. The feeling of constant improvement is just fantastic. So it’s with a giddy joy in my heart that I start perusing the menus and …

Chapter 861 – Assault on Orpule 3

Fire iron. Magma crystals. Ash shards. Pyrestone. Along with cores of the demons themselves, these make up just a few of the precious resources that make the third stratum such a hotbed of conflict. For as long as the powers of the world have known of the demon layer, they have fought over it. Territory secured here has always been …

Chapter 860 – Assault On Orpule pt 2

It was a tired and bedraggled group that I led out of the tunnels after a few days of hunting. Trying to track down the groups of demons that had escaped from the city proved to be a massive pain in the business district, much as I expected it to. Nevertheless, when we finally made our way to the plains …

Chapter 859 – Assault on Orpule

I have seen many things, dear readers, been to many wild wonderful and dangerous places, but even I felt a moment of trepidation as we passed between the legs of a giant carved statue of an ant and the hard stone closed around us. My two guards and I had now left the world of the sun behind us and …

Chapter 858 – The Very Best

The Colony was like a boulder rolling down a hill. The moment the wave ended they had exploded outwards, and their momentum had only grown as time had passed. The more they expanded, the more nests they created, the easier it was for them to continue the process. More Queens allowed more eggs to be laid, which grew the workforce …