Chapter 847 – A Spoonful of Sugar

Enid looked down at her tea with a slight smile on her face. Not only had the ants secured a source of truly delightful tea leaves, they had also managed to procure sugar, goodness knows from where. In the same manner in which they tackled every issue, namely head on, they had begun cultivation and experimentation of the substance the …

Chapter 846 – The Reborn City

When we returned to Roklu and made our way up the plate on which the city was built, the changes that had taken place were clear to see. Not ones to mess around, the Colony had clearly gotten to work to an extent that left the remaining local residents’ heads spinning. Around the central pillar, the carvers had clearly decided …

Chapter 845 – Too Many New Toys

It’s a good thing I have so many minds now, since I have so many new things to play with. Barrier magic is another defensive tool in the box and I’m quite keen to prioritise it. With my reaction speed and increasing magical prowess, I bet I can throw down shields in the blink of an eye, putting them where …

Chapter 844 – Grind it out

When I eventually wake it’s to find that the rest of the group has already completed their mutations  and that Crinis has extended herself into a wall between me and everyone else. Preserving my modesty in my most vulnerable moments. What a good companion she is! [Thanks Crinis.] I mean that sincerely, with all of my soul. [You are welcome, …

Chapter 843 – Nope

Except it isn’t there. DAMMIT! I’ll have to check again after I get my mutating done, but holy moly I’d hoped it would be there… I’d ripped open the magical skills list the moment I had an opportunity and raced through it, my brain practically screaming for some sweet, sweet gravity. I’m crushed it’s not there. There are new things …

Chapter 842 – More Choices in Menus

I don’t recall seeing this before… if that’s because I wasn’t looking for it or if it was unlocked somehow… I can’t be sure. Being able to detect Gravity? In what way? As in, the strength of the gravitational field in any particular area? Or from a specific object? Or both? Or neither? The description provided by the System is …

Chapter 841 – Mutating Makes the World Go ‘Round

In the end, despite how much I want to see my old organs rise to the grand old height of +30, I decide to start with the new stuff, specifically, the Vestibule, Nave and Antennae.  These reforged body parts are high performing and important to me so I need to invest in them. With the huge wealth that I have …

Chapter 840 – Long Overdue Upgrades

The tale of the Colony’s expansion is one of conflict, it is true, though many point to that as the sole factor, as if everywhere we trod there was nothing but war and death. Perhaps it is easy to view us as the enemy if that were the only way we have been described. Even a cursory examination of the …

Chapter 839 – Express Train

“Whooooooooo!” Vibrant cheered as she raced across the Plains of Leng, delighting in watching the larval demons leap from her path just in time to miss her flashing legs. The air was boiling hot and seared against her carapace as it drove her antennae back. The smell of ash and molten rock smothered her senses as the terrain flashed by …

Chapter 838 – The Bear Market

[It’s so damn hot!] Sarah complained. [Of course it is,] Granin snorted, [it’s the third stratum. Place is nothing but ash and lava.] [You might be fine,] the giant bear grumbled, [but I’m covered in fur. If I was a rock person like you, maybe it wouldn’t bother me so much.] The old shaper harrumphed. [For starters, I am not …