Chapter 1066 – The Pet Scenario

It’s been a while since I checked in on my three companions, ages in fact. At tier six, they’re powerful and intelligent monsters in their own right, capable of making their own decisions about how they want to progress and grow. And yes, I’m including Tiny in that. He’s not as dumb as he once was, though he’s still quite …

Chapter 1065 – So What Have We Gained part 2

The war has dragged on beyond what any thought was possible. As I look back now on those early years, I can scarce reconcile what I thought then with what I know now.  An easy conflict, over in months, I had been convinced of it. So confident. Now all of that is gone, drained out of me over the long …

Chapter 1064 – So What Have We Gained?

[Crinis… what the hell happened here?] [Master!] A wave of black shadow-stuff peels off the walls of the evolution chamber and rushes towards me. I flinch back, but it’s too late, and in moments I’m once again wrapped up by the overly attached murder-ball. [Gah! At least get off of my eyes, I can’t see a damned thing.] A few …

Chapter 1063 – Size Up

“So how does it feel, Eldest?’ I turn a little to look down at Advant. I’d never really considered before, because I’d never really had to, that the position of my eyes and shape of my head blocks my vision to the ground beneath me. Unlike a human, with a handy dandy neck, I can’t exactly look down. So when …

Chapter 1062 – Dawn of a New Era

What makes a mythic monster so powerful? There are numerous theories, some confirmed, others more nebulous, but the strength and dominance of this class of monster in the Dungeon is a long studied and generally well understood phenomenon. At the risk of oversimplifying, we can apportion the bulk of that inordinate power to the core. After all, what classes a …

Chapter 1061 – Colliding Waves pt 4

The Queen recoiled as the heat flared, searing her carapace and burning her sensitive antennae and eyes. The demon roared, tongues of flame lashing the air as healing magic flowed over the Queen once again. Around them, the Colony and demons continued their ongoing battle. Dramatically outnumbered, the demons struggled to make any headway against the massed ranks of ants …

Chapter 1060 – Fame and Fortune Final

“Finally,” Rillik grunted. “This was far more effort than I expected,” Lacos agreed, fatigue breaking through his normally indefatigable visage. “If you don’t mind,” Elly said through gritted teeth, “would you hurry up and finish the job? I’m the one who has to bind them.” “Right, sorry.” The crew leader stepped forward, blade in hand, and sized up the two …

Chapter 1059 – Fame and Fortune pt 6

Hartos looked around and was satisfied with what he saw. The mercenaries had managed to penetrate the mountain in good order, and despite the intensifying attacks from the ants, they had maintained their formation. He couldn’t help but sneer. Those fools who’d refused to join him would be crying bloody tears when they saw the haul he returned with. Thousands …

Chapter 1058 – Fame and Fortune pt 5

Rillik watched as the dense pack of mercs floated over the water on a shield toward land. He shook his head. “Do you think they’ll be alright?” Elly asked, uncharacteristically soft-spoken. “No,” the golgari said, his voice flat. “I find their tactic questionable,” Lacos noted, a hint of curiosity in his tone. “If they did not find success yesterday when …

Chapter 1057 – Fame and Fortune pt 4

The ant stared at them. Rillik, Elly, Drake and Lacos stared back.  A pause. Rillik swore viciously, then began to turn the boat around, not bothering to hide his frustration. “Let’s just kill it and get on the mountain,” Drake said. “There’s only one.” Rillik didn’t bother answering, still openly cursing. “There is never just one,” Lacos quoted the advice …