Chapter 767 – The gang mutates

It’s not only the pets that need to get some mutating done, I’m in the same boat myself! Whilst I haven’t been packing on the Biomass at the moment, I’ve been making sure I keep a steady intake in order to continue accumulating points and there’s plenty that I can do with them.  I’m not planning on pushing anything to …

Chapter 766 – The new kids

The soft glow of evolution is gradually fading and the two of them are looking significantly different. Well, Tiny is, at any rate. Crinis remains blobbed up in a small ball, wobbling slightly as whatever internal changes that are taking place complete themselves. My first pet and friend in this Dungeon, the giant bat-faced ape, has continued his trend of …

Chapter 765 – A Harmonious Cycle

The society of the Colony was alien to me at first, as one may well expect. The differences in origin between I, a surface born sapient of the Iron Sands, and the ants who made up the insect empire (as I like to call them. They dismiss the title and refer to themselves exclusively as ‘the Colony’ or ‘family’), are …

Chapter 764 – A brand new pain in the neck

The first time I met Anthony, I honestly didn’t think much of them. Insect type monsters were weak, such was common knowledge. In fact, that knowledge was so common, that it was some time before I realised I didn’t actually know much about that branch of monsters, I had simply dismissed them out of hand based on the collective poor …

Chapter 763 – While you were sleeping

The wave ground on as Tiny and Crinis continued their evolution, the ants of the Colony working industriously  as they always did. The never ending spawns of monsters were a blessing and curse, disrupting all usual business, but flooding the nests with Biomass and cores that were in turn used to fuel the further expansion and growth of the Colony. …

Chapter 762 – Hanging with the eyeball

With Tiny and Crinis asleep in the evolution chamber, I feel as if something of a weight has been lifted off me. Not in the sense that I don’t have to worry about them anymore, I’ll always be worrying about them, but it’s nice that they’re going to be as strong as I am now. With a group of potent, …

Chapter 761 – A horrific evolution

By the time her master returned, her perfect, wonderful master, Crinis was practically vibrating in excitement. What a wonderful day! What a precious opportunity! To have her dearest master devote his care and attention to her evolution on a personal level, it was far more than she, a mere servant, deserved! But she would happily accept, in fact, she wouldn’t …

Chapter 760 – The apevolution

The master spoke long with the stone people and Tiny did his best to pay attention. What had been done to his core seemed to help his concentration, and he was able to follow the conversation better than before, but he still felt a little itchy all over, but there was nothing nearby for him to hit. All that he …

Chapter 759 – Do the Evolution!

The other predominant theory is that the demons’ very nature, their demonic disposition, if you will, is what causes them to embrace conflict. It’s true that the demons are generally untrusting, aggressive, greedy, short tempered, perpetually unsatisfied, possess an inflated opinion of themselves or all of the above, but the question I always come back to is: why? It’s not …

Chater 758 – Holding the line

It takes a day of near constant fighting to help the Colony shove back the wave to the outer defensive walls and once again the endless defence against the monsters continues. It’s all worth it though. Every hour, the family is harvesting ridiculous amounts of Biomass and cores from the farm zones, and our savage, one sided tactics are ensuring …