chapter 757 – tree talk

[Hmmmmmmmmm] the big tree blinks at me slowly a few times, as if surprised that I still exist rather than focusing on the question that I asked it. I wait patiently whilst he inspects me but my patience is quickly running by the time he finally gets around to talking again. [You look different,] he observes. [Obviously, I’ve evolved!] I …

Chapter 756 – Clean up

The gravity bomb finally fades away, leaving behind a compressed ball of ex-frog, stone and various other detritus, I pick myself up and let my strength boost fade away. The energy of the Vestibule and Nave once more returns to its normal cycle, nourishing my body and washing away injury and fatigue. Although it can’t seem to do anything about …

Chapter 755 – the mind has a gravity of its own

… or at least it would be painful if I was going to end up landing in it. [Invidia!] Using his prodigious mind powers, the demon condenses a shield out of pure mana and air, snapping it together before I reach the ground. Placed horizontally, the barrier acts as a stable landing platform for my large frame and I grip …

Chapter 754 – the first of its kind

Turns out that, whilst the fire was indeed crispy, the monster did not enjoy it. The only unfortunate thing was that it didn’t not enjoy it sufficiently enough to immediately perish. Having missed its initial bite and then been bitten and burned, the toad creature snarls, its lips pulling back from those horrendous teeth and grinding out a sound like …

chapter 753 – the stench of decay

The monster in question cannot detect my pheromones, at least I hope they can’t, so I’m not entirely sure why I bothered to taunt it. Probably to hype myself up for the fight, because just looking at this thing is intimidating. All of my senses scream that something is wrong and the closer I get to it, the more my …

Chapter 752 – Something stopped us

Our charge continued unbroken until we reached the second defensive line, the monsters in our way were unable to stand before our might. Once we reached that point, I sent my three pets forward to defend the choke point as the Immortals and I collected ourselves. Unlike me, most of them were exhausted after the mad run and in need …

Chapter 751 – The Charge

It doesn’t take long to organise my pets and let them know what we’ve been tasked with. What takes a little longer is explaining to them exactly what is going to happen as a result of the ‘allies’ that the Council has decided to dump on our laps. The heavily armoured soldier in front of me looks a little nervous, …

Chapter 750 – The return

I highly enjoyed my time on the surface with Enid, taking a look about the place, enjoying the sun on my diamond carapace and taking in the open air. It’s amazing how quickly you get used to the narrow tunnels of the nest and Dungeon, although that may just be due to me being an ant monster. It reminded me …

Chapter 749 – Visitation pt 2

That damned priest has continued to infect these people with his nonsense, I see, judging by the reaction from the townsfolk. Although, there is a faint chance that they think I’m the Queen, given that they’ve never seen an ant of my size before. As nice as it is to think that these people might be paying homage to Mother, …

Chapter 748 – Visitation

As the days of the wave drag on, my pets and I maintain the same routine. We fight, eat, rest and then repeat. It’s pretty obvious after all this time why pet obsessed Dungeon dwellers like the Sophos are so rare, getting a monster to tier six is a massive pain the butt. Let alone two. Obviously what I’m doing …