Chapter 707 – That magnificent beard

I look over my options one last time before I confirm everything. I have to say, the ol’ status sheet is looking pretty darn good. A massive boost in stats, my brains becoming mutable, a heck of a lot more physical power and the benefits of expanding my Vestibule setup to become even more of an enduring powerhouse. I can …

Chapter 706 – Evolution pt 4

First of all, these stats are insane. Look at these numbers! It wasn’t as if the Juvenile Colony Paragon had bad bonuses to begin with, but this is taking it to another level. It feels like what Granin told me is true, but more than that, I can almost sense the System, the bearded one, urging me to stick to …

Chapter 705 – Evolution pt 3

After discussing the various benefits of the Elemental Ant, which were impressive to say the least, I was ready to move on. As cool as the evolution is, I’m not about to throw away my precious gravity mana. Powerful elemental spells? Sure, that’d be great and all, but would they really match up to what the Gravity Bomb can do? …

chapter 704 – Evolution pt 2

In the interests of expanding the Colony’s knowledge of future evolution options, I take the time to explore the normal evolutions I’ve been offered and let the eager triad document the stat gains, organ benefits and descriptions offered by the System. In truth, the stat gain for even these ‘ordinary’ evolutions was much higher than I expected and my hopes …

chapter 703 – Evolution pt 1

It doesn’t take long to make our way back to the chamber in which I force fed myself in order to afford those mutations. Despite the pain and discomfort, I’m super excited since each step is taking me closer to my next form. A new and more powerful me is on the horizon! Sadly, almost all of that enthusiasm drains …

Chapter 702 – The core of the matter

When the itch finally fades away I find myself on my back, my legs splayed in all directions and pinned down by the barbed tentacles of Crinis. [Crinis? What happened?] [You were flailing too much, Master. I thought it better to hold you down than have you slip out of my containment.] That would be a disaster that would increase …

chapter 701 – final mutations pt 2

Now, with my privacy secured, it’s time to mutate. Time to dive once more into the depths of the menu lists and bring back only the finest mutations. It’s time to begin where it all began: my eyeballs. It seems like a lifetime ago that I first mutated my eyes in order to improve my then terrible vision. Even now …

Chapter 700 – Final mutations pt 1

As I keep stuffing my face, Granin and I discuss my various body parts and what might qualify as a good option for a ‘reset’ in my next evolution. I remain a little cagey about a few things, such as the existence of the Vestibule, but I try to be as honest as I can during our discussions. A few …

chapter 699 – ugh… planning

This is one huge pile of food… there’s no way I can fit it all in! I kind of want to call my pets over and have them indulge as well, but I feel bad about it since the Colony has gathered all of this for me. I guess I’ll dive in and if there’s any left when I’m done …

Chapter 698 – All you can eat

With the level milestone achieved, I take a quick break to celebrate and high five (with antennae) the team, before we begin the journey back to the nest. With the wave in full swing, we end up having to re sweep most of the tunnels that had already been cleared as the empty space was either taken up by monsters …