Chapter 687 – What was lost, what was gained

Legs are something I grow back easily enough. The cracks and damage to my carapace is going to take significantly longer, especially considering how I’m totally out of juice in my regeneration gland. The inner plating will help a ton though and before too long, I’ll be back on my feet and out there working with my siblings in no …

chapter 686 – the bell tolls for thee

Titus was relieved to find Morrelia had been returned as promised not an hour after the Legion had withdrawn from the battle. The instant the surge of mana had arrived, Titus had stood down in his fight with the Keeper and the bruan’chii had stood aside. The purpose of the tree-people had been to stymie the Legion and their mission …

chapter 685 – The siege final

By Gandalf I’m tired.   BAM!   Stop hitting me, dammit!   DOOM CHOMP!   Just like every time I activate the Skill, a team of Legionaries with heavy shields leap forward, activating a host of abilities and anchoring against each other.   CRUNCH!   Despite my mandibles biting deep into the metal slabs these muscle heads call shields, I …

chapter 684 – The Siege pt 30

Grove Keepers were unreasonably strong. How exactly they were born, the Legion wasn’t sure. They weren’t monsters, as such, none of the bruan’chii were. They were not spawned of the Dungeon and unlike the ants, they weren’t created by a ‘parent’ monster through the traditional means. This was why the Legion didn’t really have a problem with the wood people …

Chapter 683 – The siege pt 29

When the gates finally fell, they fell with a resounding ‘boom’ that echoed from the walls of the tunnel. Might seem a little excessive to knock the damn things off their hinges, but that’s what the Legionaries decided to do anyway. Perhaps they felt the width of the nest entrance was a reasonable width for them to engage in and …

Chapter 682 – the Siege pt 28

The massed ranks of my siblings can only watch as the gate bulges and buckles under the immense weight of the pressure the Legion is applying. Exhausted and weary, the last fighting fit ants on this side of the nest stand ready for the final conflict. Once those gates come down, this will be the final stand. If the Legion …

chapter 681 – The Siege pt 27

Titus watched the battle unfold from the rear of the formation. The irregulars had formed up once again and begun to execute another charge. Using them as shock troops, charging, pulling back, charging again, was a brutally effective tactic the Legion had long made use of. It was hard on the half-monsters, in terms of effort and casualties, but it …

chapter 680 – The siege pt 26

RAGE! RAAAAAAGE! That damned worm! How could he do this to us?! After everything we did for him?! He’s food. FOOD I TELL YOU! If I ever get my mandibles on that worm I’ll feed him to the larvae myself! The mere thought of the brood being destroyed by the golgari makes the mana in my body boil like the …

Chapter 679 – The Siege pt 25

Brendant dashed into the depths of the nest, the emergency pheromone trails screaming against her antennae with every step. The brood was in danger! The Queens were under assault! Every nerve in her body was on fire with desperate rage. There wasn’t a single ant in the Colony who wouldn’t put their life down to protect the brood, including the …

Chapter 678 – The Siege pt 24

“Something isn’t right,” Sloan suddenly scented out loud. Coolant looked askance at her sister as the two of them continued to hang outside the second gate facing the golgari invasion. She could tell the general wasn’t discussing with her but thinking out loud, so she remained silent and waited. “They’ve formed up, but they aren’t approaching us, why is that?” …