chapter 677 – The Siege pt 23

At least those crazy malformed humans were good for experience. Whatever the Legion did to turn them into… what they were, they certainly seemed to lack the finely tuned discipline of their more regular compatriots. After I’d demonstrated the ability to rip into them using my Doom Chomp, cutting down several at a time, they continued to come, almost ant-like …

chapter 676 – The Siege pt 22

Grey and his opponent, the High Blade Kooranon Balta, studied each other, their experience and observation Skills provided a constant stream of information as they continued to feel each other out. Using his rank five Keen Eye, Grey could see every muscle twitch, every exhalation of breath in excruciating detail. The golgari wouldn’t be able to twitch a toe without …

Chapter 675 – The Siege pt 21

Coolant and Sloan watched, gobsmacked as the fight unfolded before them. At first it seemed as though everything had gone well, after Grey had walked out and spoken with the Golgari, the kneeling form of the Shaper, Granin, had risen to his feet, had his bindings broken and painfully jogged his way toward the gate. It was clear at that …

Chapter 674 – The Siege pt 20

Titus watched the battle unfold from the rear ranks of the Legion column, his experienced eye catching numerous flaws in execution that any outside observer would fail to notice. He couldn’t prevent the slight twitch of his eye at the sight. They can’t help it, he reminded himself, his Legion was still green, not used to working together and lacking …

Chapter 673 – The Siege pt 19

Whatever these things are, they’re fast and they hit hard. The creature in front of me shrieks in rage as it presses through my screen of steaming hot… steam, and brings two massive hands down on my back in a devastating hammer blow. My legs buckle under the impact but barely manage to hold my body up as the diamond …

chapter 672 – The Siege pt 18

Spell after spell I flung toward the oncoming Legion soldiers, battering away at their layered bubbles of golden shields along with the rest of my siblings. Hundreds, thousands of projectiles and magical strikes rocket through the air, sometimes colliding before even reaching the target, to smash into the enemy defences which flash and burst with rippling waves of light with …

Chapter 671 – The Siege pt 17

It didn’t take long to locate the two golgari advisors within the Colony. Corun and Torrina were anxiously awaiting news of the outcome in Enid’s rooms. The Colony had been unwilling to allow the two to fight on the frontline, despite them putting forward numerous requests. In the end it was the Eldest himself who shot them down, relegating the …

Chapter 670 – The Siege pt 16

Coolant looked out from her perch next to the upper sally port of the great gate and felt nothing but confusion. “Do you want to go tell him, or should I?” she said to Sloan who was clinging to the wall next to her. The general shook her head, bewildered. “I mean. They have to know, right? There’s no chance …

Chapter 669 – The Siege pt 15

As the approaching wall of legionaries draws closer, I perform a final check to make sure everything is ready for the battle to come. Do I have a giant ape? Check. Crazy shadow blob of unending horror? Check. Weird eyeball dude? Check. Omni-elemental construct fired up and ready to go? Check. Even my spiffy diamond carapace is back to full …

Chapter 668 – The Siege pt 14

I can already hear the fighting. The sounds of clashing steel and snapping mandibles tug at my claws and I have to force myself to resist charging blindly into the fray like a shinier, much smarter Leeroy. Keeping myself so still has never been so hard before. Then again, the only member of my family that I know was exposed …