chapter 618 – the press

“Hold the line!” Advant flooded the surrounding space with her pheromones. “FOR THE COLONY!” The ants roared back. BOOM! Another explosion rocked the tunnel, sending Colony members sprawling in the dust. Healers rushed forward, antennae darting over the fallen, checking for pheromones indicating injury or distress. The medics had to be careful, too many soldiers were hiding their injuries, or …

Chapter 617 – Easy Breezy

Abyssal Legion Armour is known by many names, Runic Armour, Legion Plate, Abyssal Armour. As far as I can determine, no ‘official’ nomenclature exists. At least, if one did in the past, it has since been lost. Instead, the terms used tend to vary from region to region, or Legion to Legion. For the purposes of this text, I shall …

Chapter 616 – The Rage

When the bellow of pure rage shook the stone around the Legion camp, Aurillia was one of the few who didn’t start wildly staring around themselves, trying to understand what had happened. She’d soldiered with the commander for a long time, and it wasn’t the first time she heard him get angry. She was surprised, to be sure, that roar …

chapter 615 – A chat with titus

Titus hated dressing up. But the Golgari High Blades were notorious sticklers for protocol and tradition, so his hands were tied. He’d be damned if he’d put on his full dress uniform though, absolutely no chance. The jumped up pile of rocks would have to be satisfied with him giving his armour a solid polish. So it was that in …

chapter 614 – marshall the colony

It was almost funny, Mendant thought to herself, that such a highly anticipated and foreshadowed invasion would result in such frantic activity on the part of the Colony. None of them were surprised, and yet all them managed to be in the wrong place and behind the pace when the enemy finally arrived. She herself was rushing through the main …

chapter 613 – the stone endures

What is mana? It was an embarrassingly long time before the tower had anything even remotely approaching a satisfying answer to this question. Even now, we have no real way of knowing if we are correct, since we don’t know where it comes from, how it’s made or where it goes. We know that it existed on Pangera before the …

chapter 612 – a determined enemy

They’re digging in for the long haul, and I hate it. I hate it! I don’t want them to be this sensible! Constructing a fortified position? Securing their supply lines? Pushing forward with caution? No! This isn’t what I want to see! I want them to charge ahead, frothing at the mouth and underestimating us to the point of stupidity! …

Chapter 611 – the work of war

The ants were not aware of the age old adage from Earth “battles are won on the training ground”, but they certainly knew how to throw their efforts into wholehearted preparations regardless. Not that much changed once the invasion forces had been spotted, the Colony had been working full throttle on building capacity and shoring up their defences already. It …

Chapter 610 – A hive of activity

Deep in the second strata, a furious scout was running as if all the demons of the third were after its delicious abdomen. She had left her relay station thirty minutes ago and was almost out of gas, her mutations specialised in speed, not so much endurance. It was a close run thing, she staggered the last few steps, her …

chapter 609 – the fire and steel

When he’d rounded the corner and seen the swarm of insects bear his daughter to the ground, Titus had felt the mana in his blood ignite with rage. When they’d fled, and the ape monster had brought down the tunnel, burying his legionaries, burying Morrelia in tons of stone, it wasn’t fire, but ice that filled his veins. The roar …