Chapter 608 – Hat’s off to you

The approaching red-armoured figure clearly hadn’t expected to be descended upon by the heretofore hidden ant squad. Even I was a little shocked to see them, to be honest, and I’d known that they were there the entire time. I’ve looked a little deeper into the methods that Protectant and her squad uses to keep themselves from being noticed, much …

Chapter 607 – The Welcome Stranger

Those chasing in my wake don’t seem to appreciate my gifts. Angry shouts and a barrage of blade light explode from behind me, shattering the stone and sending shards bouncing from my carapace. I don’t think they like my souped up merchandise. They’ll like it even less soon enough… Gweheheh. Wha?! BOOM! My senses tingle and my legs fire before …

chapter 606 – First contact

The classic deer in the headlights trap! I should have seen it coming a mile away!? Since when is a monster that helpless ever left alive in the Dungeon for more than a minute? This is the Dungeon for goodness sake! An ecosystem with more competition in it that this one surely doesn’t exist! It’s so dark here I can’t …

Chapter 605 – Elementary my dear … deer

Dungeon warfare is probably the most studied and practiced craft on Pangera. The Rending was a rude introduction to the intricacies of the three dimensional conflict beneath the surface, but the sapient races of the surface proved to be quick studies, and the basic strategies were established, most likely independently, all across the world. Fighting Monsters is always a losing …

chapter 604 – back in action

When the itching finally fades away, Crinis peels herself off the walls and regroups back onto my carapace to reveal something I didn’t expect to see. Protectant, her cover dropped without me having to drag her out of the shadows for once, stands right in front of me, in the centre of the room. Exposed to my senses, she wears …

chapter 603 – outward bound

After fiddling around a bit, I end up settling on the following mutations: My Mana-Feasting Bind Acid Gland +20 will add the self-propagating trait and become the Propagating Mana-Feasting Bind Acid Gland +25. That is… quite the mouthful. Hopefully it becomes a little more readable when I compress these traits down. I’m assuming I get to do that again at …

chapter 602 – improve thyself

Time to bring on the exquisite pain of self-improvement. I have a ton of Biomass to spend and the time to roll around on the floor looking like a fool. Let’s get to it! But what to improve next? I’ve still got a ton of things that need to be upgraded to +25. Improving my eyes is an option that …

chapter 601 – finessing the numbers

Once again, I’ve managed to pile up a respectable amount of Biomass, though far less than I could have. The priority was given to pumping up those around me on recent trips, on the next one I can afford to be more… dare I say it… selfish. It’s not selfish to feed myself dammit! I need to max out my …

chapter 600 – Punching out the numbers

It is no mystery to the theorists of the Colony why most of the races we encountered were initially hostile. Our kind is dangerous, it’s for precisely this reason that we were able to deal with others as equals, because we were strong, a threat. Mutual destruction isn’t the best stance to begin inter-species diplomacy, but it was all that …

chapter 599 – Who are these folks

[So your people are called… the Folks?] [Folk.] [The Folk?] [Yes.] [So… The Folk?] [That is correct.] [Is that like… a nickname, or a translation thing? Or is it just… The Folk?] So far, the wolf-like guy has been placid, a cold yet calm air of dignity surrounding him. For some reason, after my repeated questions, a crack begins to …