chapter 588 – the delegation pt 3

The talks themselves were the most straightforward negotiation of Enid’s life. Coolant was calm, intelligent and without guile as she spoke clearly and directly with the human council. The Colony wanted them to assist with negotiations going forward into the future, was this possible? Yes, it was something they could do, indeed, there would be many who would be happy …

chapter 587 – the delegation pt 2

It took ten minutes for the ants to herd the humans into a side tunnel and from there into a small but comfortable room, complete with chairs and at which they could sit. Enid herself had no eyes for the furnishings, instead her focus was laser sharp on the ants around them who definitely appeared more tense and alert than …

chapter 586 – the delegation pt 1

It would be an understatement to say that Enid was nervous. The first time her husband had taken her into the Dungeon, she’d been nervous. When smuggling Karak shells from the blue desert, she was nervous. Marching into the heart of the Colony’s nest? She was distinctly nervous. When representatives had approached her about the ants wishing to engage in …

chapter 585 – the great working pt 4

“I still don’t understand why I have to be the one to wear this,” Leeroy grumbled. “You know exactly why,” Brendant was having none of her sibling’s nonsense, “because we asked this crafter to make it to fit you, since you’re the one most in need of extra protection.” Leeroy fidgeted and wiggled and the many, many different pieces of …

chapter 584 – The great working pt 3

As much as the crafter wanted to leap into further work, to practice each and every new pattern she’d learned to tease out all of the little morsels of information that could only be learned through application, she knew she couldn’t. She was the first Blacksmith to reach the rank four Skill and therefore the first to unlock the new …

Chapter 583 – The Great Working pt 2

The crafters of the Colony were an interesting and formidable bunch, to be sure. The first time I worked with them was when I had heard they were willing to provide certain materials, namely processed mana infused woods, at near cost. Being an engraver and enchanter, such a ridiculous drop in price was far too tempting to give up, even …

Chaper 582 – The great working pt 1

Deep beneath the surface, under layers of rock and stone, burned a flame that had never been seen on Pangera before. No ordinary flame, this. It did not burn, yet its heat was unbearable. Had no colour, yet glowed bright with the light of molten steel. Made no sound, yet contained the ringing of a thousand hammers on a thousand …

Chapter 581 – Attack on the eight legged

Our second outing is less experimental and much better planned than the first. Ants spread throughout the surrounding terrain in a spiral pattern, mages burning bright flames that illuminate the area and chase the shadows back, exposing the creeping spiders that seek to approach from the dark. Just as it did when I was fishing for monsters with Tiny and …

chapter 580 – prepare to strike

Thanks to our advanced medical techniques, or at least, advanced compared to how primitive they were before, our wounded compatriots are back on their feet in a relatively short amount of time. “Let me up!” Ah, the truly wondrous cooperation that members of the same colony can display. It’s heart-warming. “I won’t run! This time!” The collective and unselfish nature …

chapter 579 – the truly disgusting face of the foe

The floor of this particular expanse is quite similar to the last one I was in. Long fronds of those spined weed like plants that drift and bend with the flow of shadow mana in the air. The stone coral is also present, but the huge strands of web that are anchored to the rock dominate the space that we …