chapter 578 – the dark web

Any person of sufficient courage, who has walked the Dungeon long enough to know its pain and glory, will come to hunger for the power that is buried at the root of this world.   Words attributed to Gaius Magnus, founding member of the Legionem Abyssi   We’re moving in. It feels nice, in a way, to be boldly adventuring …

Chapter 577 – Downward growth

“Are we there yet?” “No.” “Are we there yet?” “No.” “Are we there yet?” “Dammit, Vibrant! NO! It’s going to take us a while to get there, okay?! We’re moving as fast as we can already. We can’t go any faster than this. Just think of something else to talk about!” A moment of blessed, blessed silence descends amongst our …

chapter 576 – silent halls

You might think it would be challenging to operate in a territory administered by ants. Indeed, I have heard many express such sentiments, going so far as to insinuate that I’m suffering from an affliction of the mind when I tell them otherwise. Any attempt to explain on my part is waved away as the ravings of a lunatic. Good …

chapter 575 – The Aftermath

The surrounding crowds, pressed together in the square, recoil with horror as Crinis makes her presence known. The fact that she snatched up the mysterious ants rather than start munching on the helpless crowd isn’t enough to completely mollify their fears. Screams and indignant cries rise as they push to create distance from me, while the kid who threw the …

chapter 574 – Attack on rylleh pt 10

The moment this Wallace guy revealed the locations of the gates, the Colony sprang into action. I could hear orders being snapped out as ants began to gather in teams, flooding away towards the fort on the outskirts of the city. Even my heart skipped a beat. This could be a major blunder! We’d anticipated the gates would be here, …

Chapter 573 – Attack on Rylleh pt 9

Beyn was nervous, yet exultant, but terrified whilst also experiencing a deep sense of unfurling faith. The enormity of the moment wasn’t lost on him, far from it, this was the first time the holy ones, the Great One, would be exposed to the wider community of Pangera! And he, Beyn the one-armed, humble priest, was to be the spokesman, …

Chapter 572 – Attack on rylleh pt 8

There had been little to no communication from the council, not that it was a surprise to Captain Wallace. In recent years, the ruling families had become little more than leeches, perpetually sucking at the prosperity that their ancestors had achieved. He could almost imagine their faces, locked in their mansions as they panicked and strove to preserve their possessions. …

chapter 571 – attack on rylleh pt 7

I swear I sensed something for a moment, those damn flickers that pop up in my Vestibule for a few seconds before they vanish once again. My suspicions are starting to firm on that front, and I’m not happy. There’ll be words with the council when this mess is done, but I can’t be distracted by these… watchers right now. …

Chapter 570 – Attack on Rylleh pt 6

Sylvin gathered his team and as the Mercenaries began to fan out from their building he kept close with the people he trusted. Ogran was a tremendous brute of a fighter who wielded a two-handed hammer in battle, perfect for shattering the carapace defence that these ants relied on. His level wasn’t the highest in the group, but his physical …

chapter 569 – attack on rylleh pt 5

This place is amazing! I mean, wow,  ingenuity and all that good stuff is on display in copious amounts right here. The city itself is nestled inside a gigantic egg-shaped cavern, with some sort of humungous crystal light source on the ceiling? What the heck is that thing!? Are they powering it with cores? Holy heck that must suck up …