chapter 568 – Attack on rylleh pt 4

      Yasmine had seen the captain focused on his work. During the more intense moments of the last wave, he’d been relentless in his energy and application, but this time something was different. Gone was the calm, determined figure that she was accustomed to, replaced by a beast with so much nervous energy he almost vibrated in place. He roared …

Chapter 567 – Attack on Rylleh pt 3

Author note: Hey there folks! Just a quick note at the start of the month to advertise my patreon! You can find it by googling RinoZ patreon if you want to support the novel for perks n stuff! From what I understand, we expected the gates to be abandoned at this point, so I’m more than a little shocked to …

Chapter 566 – Attack on Rylleh pt 2

The captain of the Rylleh guard knew, deep in his gut, that he was dead, that everyone around him was dead. He felt as if his blood had slowed to a crawl in his veins as he stared at the projection, more red lights blooming to life each second. There were thousands of them, because of course there were. He …

chapter 565 – attack on rylleh

The Dungeon city of Rylleh is relatively young, in city terms, barely older than the expansionist kingdoms that took root above it. Formed by a collective of experienced and high level delvers, the city benefited from the protection and knowledge of these individuals, allowing it to prosper relatively quickly. Positioned in a relatively barren section of the Dungeon’s first strata, …

Chapter 564 – Ant squad, assemble!

I have sought to capture the Eldest in their purest form for many years in various media. Stone was the first material I utilised, crude and rough, it was appropriate for them at that time. Just like the stone that I hewed with mandible, claw and magic, they were rough and unpolished, a creature of brute strength and straight edges. …

chapter 563 – This is something different

Torrina Laksham wasn’t sure what to think. The more time she spent around that remarkable ant, the more things didn’t make sense. When she and Corun had accompanied Anthony to the surface, she’d been stunned to find an entire community of humans who not only seemed to accept the ant and his Colony, but were rapidly approaching something very close …

chapter 562 – Scouting report

Records of the early days of non-monster habitation of the Dungeon are scarce, to say the least. The Dungeon opened itself during the cataclysm known as the Rending, and certainly before that time the vast network of caves and tunnels beneath the ground was both unknown and inaccessible to those on the surface. During the event itself, when hordes of …

Chapter 561 – Waking

The return of the Eldest after their brief time apart from the Colony was a momentous event. Throughout the history of our kind, it was always the Eldest who acted as the catalyst of change, the arbour of progress. As we grew in strength, wisdom and capability, there was danger of complacency, of waste and inefficiency as we followed a …

chapter 560 – taking stock

After dropping Sarah and Jim with Florence, I rush back out to the storage area I’m told we stashed our haul from the outpost in. I’m feeling a touch buoyed by the run-in I had with Sarah and Jim. I’m not sure how much they’ll be able to help out, but like I told them, every little bit helps. I …

Chapter 559 – Strange new surrounds

[I don’t know what I was expecting, but it sure wasn’t this.] Jim, the large and ever floppy worm, slithered through the tunnels beside the hulking, menacing form of his friend, Sarah. The two former humans had achieved their goal, a long cherished one for the worm, of escaping from their gilded cage amongst the Golgari. When Anthony had first …