chapter 539 – stabbed in the heart! who’s to blame?!

YEEEOUCH! If someone ever told you that getting an enchanted blade through the gizzards is a good time, let me be the first to assure that isn’t the case! The pain is immediate and intense and I throw my body to the side in a desperate roll, keen to dislodge that sword from my guts. Thankfully, the armoured warrior has a …

chapter 538 – the heck are you doing?

Just in case things start to turn south, I direct my sub-brains to start drawing on my gravitational mana. I’m not confident that I’ll be able to subdue this lot, when push come to shove I need a way out. As I try to shape up to the looming shadows around me, the dust that still fills the air is …

chapter 537 – What are you really made of?

As I flee down the dark, cold tunnel of the second strata with my pets, I try to get a sense of the strength possessed by the Golgari behind us. The first few are just massive. Hulking titans of humanoids that seem way too large to move the way that they do. I know that unlike monsters, size doesn’t equate …

Chapter 536 – Being bait

“Why did I think this was a good idea?” “I have to say, Eldest, I’m not entirely sure. I wasn’t surprised when you suggested it though.” “I get the feeling that’s almost an insult, Propellant….” “I wouldn’t dream of it, Eldest. My respect for you knows no bounds.” “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not anymore.” “What’s sarcastic …

chapter 535 – a game of cat and mouse

Things weren’t going the way they were meant to. When things in the Dungeon didn’t go the way they were meant to, that usually indicated something was going very wrong. There wasn’t a single Dungeon delver who didn’t feel the same way. As chaotic and unpredictable as the place was, there were ways to combat it, knowledge that was sure …

chapter 534 – Run? Fight?

The ancients surfaced all over the face of Pangera, almost equidistant from each other. Wherever they rose, they caused a unique catastrophe to befall those unfortunate enough to be caught in the chaos. Yarrum consumed all in his path, Kygar caused lightning to fall for a month, burning all to ash, Morribolg turned the ground to mud over a vast …

chapter 533 – Who’s tracking who?

Author note: If you want, you can support this novel on patreon! Search RinoZ patreon in google and you’ll find my page. There are 20 advance chapters and other perks there for you to enjoy! 🙂 Following the scent trails the scouting parties had put down, it didn’t take long for us to make our way through the twisting tunnels …

Chapter 532 – the next generation pt2

The training regime was brutal, and the hatchling ate it up. Lectures, followed by practice drills, followed by live practice, followed by a review. The brood tenders patiently explained every mistake, and stepped them through every decision, questioning the young ants’ thinking and drilling their sacrificial tendencies out of them. Then more lectures, more drills and the cycle continued. They …

Chapter 531 – The next generation part 1

She wasn’t sure who began it, but the new hatchling was only too willing to join in the cry along with her siblings. “FOR THE COLONY!” “FOR THE COLONY!” “MY LIFE FOR THE COLONY!” She poured her heart and soul into her pheromones as she declared her willingness to sacrifice for her family. As each ant emerged, fully formed from …

chapter 530 – the royal hunt

The Queen almost felt young again as her mandibles crunched through a writhing shadow centipede. The experience notification rang in her mind but she hardly listened, too eager to chomp down the waiting Biomass before moving onto the next target. She felt a savage joy at being back on the hunt, taking the risks her children were so willing to …