Chapter 508 – Mostly Chatting

That’s two of my mutations out of the way, time to bring it home with the final play. This one’s straight forward. The infrared detection has been useful, there’s no denying that, but the future-sense has been literally life-saving. In the unfolding menu there remains a thousand and one options of other things that I can upgrade my antennae to …

Chapter 507 – imminent escape

Ohhhhh boy. It’s the Squad! The Team! The Gals! The Sisterhood! The Family! The Colony is coming to get me! I feel giddy, it’s almost like I’m being broken out of prison. Wait, that’s exactly what’s happening. Need to stay cool. No need to let people know what’s happening. As far as they’re concerned, business as usual. Which means, training, …

chapter 506 – getting too far

The announcements of the Bearded One ring within my mind as my speedy foe falls to the ground, neatly bisected by the omen chomp. [You have defeated Level 2 Regulus Bestiae saltus] [You have gained XP] [You have reached level 36.] [You have reached level 37.] [You have reached level 38.] [You have reached level 39.] [You have reached level …

chapter 505 – gaining traction

The diamond carapace will never yield! … I hope! In the meantime, let’s not put it to the test and get this freaky mole monster off of my back! As it continues to wail on my precious shiny exterior, I try to flip him off by flinging myself left and right—sand flies as I move with vigour but to no …

chapter 504 – speed. i am not speed

This cocky monster is going to catch these mandibles, just as soon as I manage to get a hook on him. The strange thing is how he was able to enter and exit my gravity domain so easily… Is it a question of mass? True, he’s thin as an anorexic stick on an Atkins diet, but I’d assumed that he’d …

chapter 503 – round four

There’s been a notable increase in spectators between rounds. When I had my first fight there was hardly anyone about to watch the spectacle but now, here in round four? Someone’s getting popular! The observation area is packed.. Standing room only. It makes sense in a morbid way. One hundred and twenty eight triads had an entrant in this tournament …

chapter 502 – Holy ground

Beyn Antseeker, for that was now his name, tread forward with reverence. This was a sacred place, and one toward which he felt only the deepest respect. They were all around him now and he did his best not to disturb their paths and they moved passed him with purpose. They were always so sure of themselves, the Path was …

Chapter 501 – Trade

Enid Ruther couldn’t decide if she was more tired or invigorated. The council meeting had run late, again, until even Bertold the guild leader had been nodding in his cup. And yet not a single member would say they’d left the gathering anything less than upbeat. Perhaps it was true what her husband used to say and people truly did …

Chapter 500 – The rumble below

Six monstrous ants each the size of large hounds snapped their mandibles toward the human hunting party, the sharp *clack* sounds reverberated through the rock walled tunnel yet Isaac Bird, Chief Guard of Renewal Village, didn’t feel threatened. He raised a hand to signal the delving party behind him to halt which they did without hesitating. A small jolt of …

Chapter 499 – What comes next?

I suppose I shouldn’t be disappointed that they turned me down, but I can’t help a little pang of emotion run through my mind. Maybe just once, just ONCE, someone would accept the antenna I offered in trust and then walk away. But no. It had to be this crap again. The last time a sapient surface dweller threw my …