Chapter 468 – Strategising

Granin and I discuss a few things before we get down to the nitty gritty. For the most part I want to learn about his people and what makes them tick. He’s a little guarded about some things, but quite forthcoming about others. For instance, he’s quite happy to tell me why he’s on the outer with his Cult and …

Chapter 467 – the rock in my corner

After my odd little meeting with Sarah I was summarily returned to my room. As the door slams home behind me and the guards take their customary places up above I have to wonder what the point of it was. What were they hoping I’d get out of it? Were they trying to show me they weren’t monsters? How nice …

Chapter 466 – so bohemian like me

I have to wonder what the minders are doing whilst Sarah and I engage in a mental conversation. I mean, are they listening in? I suppose it’s possible. I can’t sense them at all, but I suppose that isn’t any sort of guarantee, considering their higher Skill levels. Perhaps this is all just part of their research, learning about people …

chapter 465 – the monster in the mirror

[Not going to hurt me, eh? That sounds like something someone planning to hurt me might say!] Aha! I’m not going to fall for your games! This is most likely to be a sneak attack! Although my escort still hasn’t moved away, standing around in me a rough circle facing inwards, I don’t imagine that they’d be too interested in …

Chapter 464 – Was dancing to the jailhouse

Jailhouse rocks on all sides. These people seriously love their stones. I’ve made that observation before and I probably will again, but it bears repeating. There is clearly a strong physical and spiritual connection between these, Golgari? Golgarin? Gagarin? Something like that. Any information I can gather on their customs, thoughts, patterns, history, anything at all, could prove useful. Because …

Chapter 463 – morrelia awakens

The agonising pain had long faded, leaving in its wake a vast lassitude, as if every cell in her body had been ripped apart and now had to pull itself back together. She felt tired on a level that she hadn’t known existed. Beyond her bones and down into the deepest recesses of her marrow, she felt exhausted. The spark …

Chapter 462 – The legionary’s tales

The Legion headquarters in the independent underground city state of Rylleh was a place that Morrelia had never been. This deep into the first Strata, on the very border between the layers, was a dangerous place only the very powerful would tread in small numbers. Her own small mercenary team had certainly never delved this low, choosing to hone their …

Chapter 461 – too much honesty is maybe not so great

I’m a little nervous. What’s the story going to be? No matter what I don’t think it’s going to be something I like. Don’t keep me in suspense, let me hear the damage. Just how bad are things going to be. The three guards remain perfectly still during this time, watchful and poised they don’t miss a single movement I …

Chapter 460 – honesty is refreshing

They seem to be the bigwigs around here, unless I miss my guess. These three radiate that sort of aura. Although I can’t say I approve of the way they are looking down on me like I’m some sort of roach who they might want to squish. I’m a much more valuable sort of insect than that, thank you very …

Chapter 459 – Locked up

Not sure what I expected really. Did I think I would be confined? Yes, obviously yes. You can’t just capture a monster and then let it wander around willy-nilly. A few questions are bound to be raised. Why the hell do you have a monster walking around, please kill it until it’s dead, for example. Particularly if you’re going to …