Chapter 418 – Crinis Evolution

[The time has come, Crinis! Time to seize your destiny. To elevate yourself to a higher plane. A new tier, if you will. You shall become stronger, more powerful, more excellent in every way. But choices will  need to be made. You must navigate the labyrinthine System and make the selections that speak true to you. Be certain of your …

Chapter 417 – Hospitality

It’s  been nice, visiting the Sophos. Despite their somewhat decrepit and ghastly appearance, they were fine hosts. Every day they’d bring Biomass to Tiny, Crinis and I and we’d feast together with Formo and his favourite pets. They even took time to show me how they worked with cores and put together some of their most powerful pets. I have …

chapter 416 – road to recovery

Morrelia was tired. There were many reasons for a person in the village to be tired. Construction had continued unabated since the threat of the horde had faded for one. The militia had not relented in their training and practice either, which consumed a lot of energy. Small scale Dungeon delves still took place every day, much safer now than …

chapter 415 – the fires of industry

Tungstant snapped back to alertness with a start. Her mind was still fuzzy with fatigue, but she pushed her feet beneath her with alacrity, energy surging through her body. There was so much to do! So much work, so much discovery! It was electric! How could a Formica Sapiens possibly rest when the tasks to perform lay spread before them …

chapter 414 – the real art of core shaping

[Do you guys mind? My pet is feeling a little put upon here.] As one the Sophos turn on me. [MIND YOURSELF, BOY! THE EXPERTS ARE TALKING!] Yikes. Not one to mince words, this one. Although, I could say the same for all of the Sophos I’ve met. They seem universally loud and pugnacious. [THAT’S HIS PET, YOU NINCOMPOOP!] [HOW …

Chapter 413- Day Spa

[Most of our civilisation was lost when the blasted system changed us. No need for farmers, artists or poets when you’re a monster. It was our ability to manipulate cores and create pets to fight for us that mattered, and over the years we’ve taken that skill as far as we can.] The two of us were relaxing in Formo’s …

Chapter 412 – formo returns

[Is there a particular reason why you Sophos are so loud?] [LOUD? WE’RE TALKING MENTALLY YOU CRETIN. NOT A SOUND IS MADE!] [Formo! You know exactly what I mean! Every time I form a mind bridge with a Sophos I’ve had my head rung like a bell! Can you tone it down a little?] [WE ARE SIMPLY EXUBERANT, MY BOY! …

Chapter 411 – The sophos village

When our guide finally appeared before us, I did a quick double take as he was remarkably similar to Formo in appearance. The impression was somewhat reinforced when he arrived riding on the back of a tremendously fearsome worm monster. [WHAT HO! ARE YOU THE DASTARDLY CREATURES WHO THROTTLED MY CREATION?] I take that as my cue to step forward …

Chapter 410 – Shadow Flower

[DIEEEEEE!] Crinis shrieks as she continues her furious tentacle assault, one that is matched by the dark flower in its intensity. Their conflict looks like nothing quite so much as an enormous pile of shoelaces actively tying themselves into knots. That interaction takes a darker turn in seconds as both sets of shoelaces suddenly extend differing but equally savage barbs …

Chapter 409 – Tunnel time

My mandibles close with a mighty crunch and another massive centipede has met an early grave. [You have slain level 15 Adult Claw Centipede] [You have gained experience.] To one side, Tiny is pinning down a rotting rabbit and he is repeatedly punching it in the head until it stops moving and on the other, Crinis continues to work her …