Chapter 408 – search for the sophos

Ah, the itch is back. It’s horrendous. In just moments I’m on the ground with Tiny and Crinis watching over my prone and twitching form. Perhaps I should have waited until I was on my own, but once I started I got caught up! Why do I suffer this endless torment!? To be honest, the worst part, by far, is …

Chapter 408 – Hello again my old friend

Next on the chopping block is the final link in the commercial zone the Acid Stimulation Gland. It’s a simple gland that does what it says on the tin, replenishes the acid faster. I’m curious what sort of upgrades would be available for something so relatively straight forward. [Do you wish to improve Acid Stimulation Gland to +5? This will …

Chapter 407 – Aphid time, spending up

“If you believe your entire world is a prison, is it wrong to try and break it?” Question posed by Orisan’shan. Founder of the Closed Circle Society at the Academy of Stone Soul. After chatting for a little while, I bid farewell to the Queens and let them get back to their important work, namely eating and producing brood. In …

let’s get back to business

Finally! Back in the nest and away from the crazy! The Kaarmodo is gone (hopefully) and I have nothing to worry about. Let’s go get it! Full of energy, I barrel into the nest and charge down the main shaft. I’m heading for that Dungeon and nothing’s going to stop me! Lumbering behind, Tiny shares my enthusiasm. He missed the …

Chapter 405 – conversation with a wizard lizard

[I do not wish to burden you with knowledge that you may not be prepared to understand. My order has spent much time plumbing the mysteries behind this place and despite centuries of effort, we have only been able to learn a portion of the whole truth. Even that limited understanding came largely through the intervention of an outside influence.] …

Chapter 404 – Unexpected meeting

In an effort to return to normalcy, I think it’s best that I get back to the colony as quickly as possible. With Crinis and Tiny in tow, we make our way out of the village. Before long my thoughts begin to wander toward the Common Will Vestibule. It’s powerful, there’s no doubt about that. The constant flow of energy …

Chapter 403 – The church of anthony

[What in the name of all that is good on Pangera, has infected your minds?] I said. Enid could only grimace next to me before she tried to justify it, dropping her in my esteem a few points. [People saw what you did during the battle. From our wall we were able to watch the whole fight. Not to mention …

Chapter 402 – Food Coma

It took two days to clear the battlefield. Two whole days of the entire colony working around the clock, hauling, cutting, storing and generally stuffing their faces at every possible moment. Even with so many ants eating so much, the nest was still stuffed to the brim with Biomass that needed to get consumed yesterday. The Queen had consumed the …

Chapter 401 – Heat is falling, heat is rising

A hundred of the most highly trained and powerful warriors within the Liria Bulwark sat in the tunnels, sweat and grime covering their forms. Each of them was exhausted. They’d battled for hours here, on the edge of the defensive line. Wave after wave of shadow beasts had assaulted their position. Even the odd demon had been mixed in, something …

Chapter 400 – The conclusion, the feast

As Garralosh lies, heaving in pain, her aura diminished almost to nothing, I receive healing from a team of hastily summoned ants. Though the battle has drained them to the point of exhaustion, they manage to squeeze out enough healing mana that I’m able to push my legs underneath my body and stand up once more. “Eldest.” Victor speaks up …