Chapter 1027 – Just, Brilliant

“Hold, dammit!” Brilliant roared. “I’m not sure it can take it,” Assistant cried out. “It’s going to overflow!” “It needs more power! Give it everything you’ve got!” “We can’t do any more, the matrix will collapse!” “A little further,” Brilliant urged as the mana surged and frothed. Dimensional boundaries were cascading around them and she could peer into them all, …

Chapter 1026 – While You Were Sleeping

When the Eldest rested, there was a change that came over the Colony. It was as if we were set adrift, without the guiding force that drove us. Naturally, we were as industrious as ever. We built, researched, expanded, administered, hunted and built with our customary vigour, yet something was missing. During those times, an air of stillness would descend …

Chapter 1025 – Wizened Words

As before, my consciousness fades away before it’s drawn from my body. The dizzying experience of having one’s soul sent spinning down the plug-hole isn’t one that I missed, but I’m starting to get used to it. What does that say about my life? Eventually, everything falls still and I float, formless in the void. I suppose that means I’ve …

Chapter 1024 – The Final Touch

This evolution is going to make the Call worse, I can already tell. Stupid Ancients and their dumb… whatever it is they’re all about. Do whatever you want, just leave me and my family out of it. But taking this much power into myself is definitely going to make them more interested, rather than less. Although, I’ll be much weaker …

Chapter 1023 – Into the Chamber of Secrets

After discussing a few possibilities back and forth, I bid the golgari trio goodbye and they make their way back to the gate. Mana sickness is no joke and I appreciate them taking the risk to help me out.  It’s a hard concept for me to grasp, being ill from too much mana. I literally need the stuff to survive, …

Chapter 1022 – The Great Stuff

[Mythic Evolution: Formless One. You have invited your kind in, and given back to them in turn. Now it is time to make the union complete. All stats removed. All body parts and mutations will be refunded. Every member of your chosen species will be granted a formless core and you will exist as pure energy dispersed across the network …

Chapter 1021 – The Good Stuff

[If you’re finished being precious, can we move on to looking at our options?] Torrina and Corun both nod enthusiastically. The former already has a book and pen in hand, ready to scrawl down every little detail. I might well be the first tier seven ant monster in the history of the Dungeon, and they are not going to miss …

Chapter 1020 – Roll like a Boulder

[You look happy,] Granin rumbles over our link. [Har, har. You’re a real comedian, you know that? In fact, why don’t you take your show on the road?] [Don’t mind him,] Corun grins, [he’s just excited.] [It’s not often you get to see a Mythic monster born,] Torrina adds. I’m currently splayed out on the ground, my six legs stretched …

Chapter 1019 – I Hate Being in the Spotlight

I really hate this. And when I say that, don’t think that I’m speaking lightly or any such thing. This isn’t one of those times when someone says they hate it when they put their socks on inside out, or they hate it when their food is a little cold.  I mean I hate this. Currently, I sit, a sullen …

Chapter 1018 – Beneath the Burning Sky

The war is over. Well, this war, anyway. Man, the Colony really gets into too many wars. Can’t an ant take a break?  And no, it’s not my fault! Most of the time!  This conflict with the termites wasn’t started by me at least, and the skirmishes with the ka’armodo are also not my (direct) responsibility. My conscience is clear! …