chapter 228 – the bigger they are

Our new foe continues to take its time approaching our position. Its skin has rapidly closed over and healed the damage that Vibrant was able to do with her enhanced acid, indicating some powerful regenerative effect. Is it tied to the skin? Surely not even a Croca Beast would be stupid enough to waste a regeneration gland on such a …

chapter 227 – undying

We’ve killed a lot of Croca-Beasts already in our expedition. I don’t know exactly how many children Garralosh has but we are seriously depleting the tables at the family reunion at the rate we are going. I’ve now eaten so many of the basic Croca’s that we managed to unlock the intermediate profile for them. It struck me again the …

chapter 226 – woodstuffs

What the heck is this stuff? After venturing forth again, it wasn’t long, and only one fight before we came across something curious and I halted the group for a careful inspection. We’re looking at one of the mangrove style trees that emerge straight out of the muddy waters of the marsh expanse. It’s tangled knot of roots sinking beneath …

chapter 225 – the push

After the discovery of the wondrous Dungeon aphids we spent two more days pushing into the Expanse. Monsters became more and more common the deeper we went. Hippo-Turtles, Double Crocs, bewitching flowers, a tree that tried to eat Tiny and got punched to pieces, all sorts of stuff. I didn’t care about any of it. APHIDS. They represent something incredible …

chapter 224 – the rebel child

Beyn found the new arrivals huddled under a tree towards the edge of the village. Refugees, fleeing the continuing destruction of the kingdom to the north arrived nearly every day. Sometimes in small groups of three or four, other times a collection of families, farmers usually, fleeing their holdings. Twice they had received a more significant number, over fifty in …

chapter 223 – new growth

Beyn was a Priest and he was proud of that class. He had worked hard in the seminary, his faith blazing with an admirable glow, such that he had earned promotion and placement into a small village at a young age. He still thought back on his time at the college, within the Path Sanctuary in Luxon. A mighty citadel …

chapter 222 – more marsh exploration

[You have consumed a new source of Biomass, Sus Aquarum armatae, you have been awarded one Biomass] [Basic profile of Sus Aquarum Armatae has been unlocked] [Sus Aquarum Armatae, Armoured Water Pig. This giant monster possesses robust defence, boasting a tough skin and extremely durable shell. Offensively, the Water Pig can deploy its vicious bite and has been known to …

chapter 221 – the wonders of nature

I realise now that my brain, or rather my fancy new antennae, were telling me that I was about to have my legs bitten off in a savage and painful manner by a large creature emerging from the murky waters to my left. Unfortunately I was simply unable to process the information quickly enough. I mean, when you start receiving …

chapter 220 – once more into the expanse

After we’ve made a quick delivery to the surface and we take a little time to rest to aid the digestion. Fighting on a full stomach isn’t the best feeling in the world, especially when I’ve already taken in a special core. The tight, painful feeling has faded in the background by now. I’m sure if that is because my …

chapter 219 – expeditious retreat

With the heavy hitter taken out of the equation there isn’t much left to the fight. Crinis and I quickly destroy the Titan Crocs and rush back to help support Tiny and Vibrant. The giant ape and ant soldier are beaten and bruised but victorious as they lord over their fallen enemies. Tiny is beating his chest and roaring his …