chapter 168 – salad ala carte

[You have slain level 13 Venenum Flos Caligo] … Seriously? The spell was not only powerful enough to rip the plant monster from the wall, it also crushed it to death on the floor of the cavern?! Forceful mana is no joke! By compressing the mana used to fuel the spell it completely supercharged it! What would happen if were …

chapter 167 – the finer vegetation

We continue to progress further into the Dungeon, ensuring we stick with the larger paths at every opportunity. Even though we walk passed dozens of smaller tunnels we ignore them all. If we want to quickly progress downwards or locate an expanse then by far the best way, according to what I’ve learned from my interrogation, is to stick to …

chapter 166 – combine harvester

Having severed the stem of the plant the huge flower on top topples to one side, its comically oversized mouth thrashing about, trying to bite me until the final bit of energy leaked out of its body. [You have slain level 6 Flos Fame] [You have gained experience] Muahahaha! After smashing through the kingdom Animalia it’s time to reap Biomass …

chapter 165 – green thumb

The cool light of the Dungeon welcomes my small party home as Tiny and I follow the tunnel deeper beneath the earth, Vibrant and Crinis tagging along for the ride. The goal of this trip, and for the next few days is to absorb as much Biomass as I possibly can before evolving and pushing my evolutionary level penalty further …

chapter 164 – settling new lands

The Queen is holding up incredibly well. In fact, if I hadn’t been sneaking the odd peak at her with my mana sense on I wouldn’t even know that her core was leaking energy. The brilliant radiance of her core has already faded to half of its full lustre. After five days on the move the whole colony is tired …

chapter 163 – those who descend, those who rise

Titus stood huddled with his advisor in the center of the cramped chamber his axe resting on its head on the dirt. Donnelan was afraid of that axe. It had even invaded his dreams. The thick, bloodthirsty aura that seemed to roll of it in waves was suffocating, and ever present. It had burst into wakefulness suddenly during the wave …

chapter 162 – the endless nightmare

It’s been two hours now and the little worker just. Won’t. Stop! “Why is your carapace so shiny?” “How’d you get so big?” “Can I do the magicky stuff?” “Isn’t talking FUN!” “What are you doin’?” “What are you doin’ now?” “Do you like eating? I think it’s the best!” “Should we dig something? I love digging!” And on, and …

chapter 161 – the sweetest voice

Boy was I glad to sense Tiny had managed to arrive on schedule! My biggest worry had been the big moron would get confused or lost somehow. [You managed to find me ok big guy?] [No] [It was hard? What happened?!] [Walls] [You got stuck behind walls?] [Yes] [How did get through?] [Punched ’em] ….. I wonder how many walls …

chapter 160 – the quens circumstances part 3

Queen Verita surveyed the field of carnage that polluted her throne room in disgust. That it had come to this. Foreign soldiers slaughtered before the throne, the most officious and historical location in her young Kingdom, by a Dungeon monster. Her ancestors would shake their heads in despair if they knew of this farce. Brusquely she ordered her Guards to …

chapter 159 – the queens circumstances part 2

Seeing that baleful magic flickering into existence, Queen Verita’s heart froze in her chest. In all her days she hadn’t seen anything as horrific as this magic. The sound. The destruction. Everything it touched was simply …. Gone, smashed to nothing as if consumed by a monstrous beast. Even though it was her foes who were about to experience this …