Chapter 19: Follow Your Heart

At the peak of Cangshan…where a chessboard of black and white pieces laid… There was only one person sitting at the chess table and he wore a long black robe. In his hand however, was a white chess piece. “Has Tang Lian arrived at the Nine Dragons Temple yet?” A voice transmitted over from an unknown place. The person sitting …

Chapter 18: The Divine Skills of the Rakshasa Hall

“You’re finally looking like an expert now.” Xiao Se withdrew his gaze and lazily stated so. “Expert or not, does it really matter? What matters is whether I can survive tomorrow.” Wuxin directed his gaze forward at that point. “Also, you’re right. I did, in fact, have my reasons for choosing you two.” “Oh?” asked Xiao Se. “When I was …

Chapter 17: The Monk Who Is Unmatched In His Generation

The place which Wuxin described as being extremely far away ended up just being a small hill not too far away from the city. There stood a dilapidated temple atop a mountain, with words written on it that had long since become indistinct. Within was a statue of the Buddha that was missing a few limbs; it seemed like no …

Chapter 16: The Head Shaking Monk

Wuxin frowned, unclear as to why that eunuch would suddenly recite such a poem. On the other hand, Lei Wujie wasn’t all that concerned about the eunuch. He sighed a long sigh, disappointed in the outcome just now. While his previous attack might have just seemed like a miss on the surface, in actuality, the instant he threw out that …

Chapter 15: Eight Cardinals Mara Dance

“Monk, you sure have a ton of strange martial arts up your sleeves, don’t you? What is it this time?” Eunuch Jin Xian asked in a clear voice. Wuxin laughed and didn’t provide an answer. As his sleeves danced in the air, he soared through the sky like a crane and twirled about. “What’s that monk doing?” Lei Wujie was …

Chapter 14: A Sword to Wilt the Snow

“I say, Wuxin, my dear monk, why is it wherever we follow you to we would always end up meeting some master expert? And they all seem to be itching for a fight too.” At this point, Xiao Se’s voice was on the verge betraying the despair he felt. “Master experts? A fight?” On the other hand, Lei Wujie was …

Chapter 13: The Drunken Monk’s Broken Vows Knife

Two of them turned around and found a bearded monk, dressed in robes that were tattered beyond belief, swaying about in a drunken stupor before collapsing in front of the two battlemonks. “Who are these people? Why haven’t you thrown them out yet?” “Junior martial brother, what’s the deal with that guy?” Ling Jun asked with a frown on his …

Chapter 12: The Grand Sanskrit Temple (part 2)

“Venerable Fa Lan, it has been a while. Ten years, since we last met in Revelations City.” The figure in the palanquin led the charge with a respectful greeting. The one, known as Venerable Fa Lan, merely clasped his hands together in a greeting and said nothing else. “The audacity!” Snapped Ling Jun. “It’s fine,” said the figure in the …

Chapter 12: The Grand Sanskrit Temple (part 1)

Within the kingdom of Khotan, inside the Grand Sanskrit Temple… While the name of this temple might sound imposing, while it might be the kingdom’s designated temple and while it might be comparable, in terms of size, to the likes of Yunlin and Baima, but in terms of grandeur, it was still lacking. The current state of the Buddhist faith …

Chapter 11: A Bow of Wings, A Procession of a Hundred Ghosts

“I’ve read a book before wherein I saw mentions of heavenly beings. Stepping on the clouds, they would soar through the heavens in their flowing white robes. Such beings only needed dew and air to exist, and with their mighty powers, they could ride the wind to travel ten thousand li and age in step with the heavenly bodies themselves. …