Chapter 132: The fourth hour

After several hours of fighting, the beginner adventurer are starting to thin out. Those who were wounded or killed had left the battlefield. Those who remain are either lucky or the cream of the crop in their ranks. The veterans had higher stamina and made less mistakes thus they could hold out for much longer. But having to protect several …

Chapter 131: The second hour

The pitch black clouds loomed overhead. The sound of roaring thunder crackled in the air, shaking the very foundation of the vessel. The small decrepit boat rocked back and forward along the docks. Although it’s tied to the wooden pier with a strong hemp rope, the sheer force of the rocking slowly wore away at the knot. The strong winds …

Chapter 130: The first hour

It was the night before the tide surge. The mayor had gathered all the top adventurers who were still in town. He looked down from the podium with a grim expression. The gathered adventurers looked back with the upmost serious of expressions. All of them were tense. Crule and Ming were standing in the back in the corner of the …

Chapter 129: Just a spar

Sharp winds blew past the two as their fists collides. The shockwave created an outward explosion of water. They were steadily depleting the tide pool of water. The sound of their spar has attracted a few onlookers. The onlookers didn’t dare to get close though. Their mouths were wide open in both shock and awe. Crule and Ming separated from …

Chapter 128: A new low

The mayor of Decaport looked out the window. The rich and bountiful tide pools could been seen from his office window. The sheer number of people hunting there was staggering. It was quite an event. But even with all with frantic hunting and festivities, the mayor still had an extremely grim look on his face. [Mayor]: What are the reports? …

Chapter 127: Tide pools

The southern side of Decaport directly connects to the water with channels flowing into the city through man made aqueducts. The eastern side however, was a tide pool and beach. Normally during most of the year, the tide pool was a quiet place with perhaps only half a dozen people gathering shells and crustacean. But the weeks leading up to …

Chapter 126: A Decaport Tradition

In the port city of Decaport, there was a yearly tradition that both hone the resident’s skills but also provide a burst of income for their economy. This yearly tradition didn’t come cheap though. Everyday there would be casualties, either death or injury was common place. But to those who survive the ordeal, they become stronger, richer, and wiser. This …

Chapter 125: Arriving at Lake Trysl

The rickety wooden wagon rolled down a long and seemingly endless dirt road. These roads were pathed by the pioneers. Although they were called pioneers, all they really did was refortify the existing routes made by the people who actually lived in the Wild. On Noxia there were type kinds of people. The ones who were born in luxury and …

Arc 10 Epilogue

Upon a long stump sat an old man in a robe. His short white beard was trimmed to perfection. Even the spectacles that sat on the bridge of his nose was perfectly cleaned and the lens were spotless. On his lap was a large book. From the outside, the book looked like a large ancient tome. The pale yellow pages …

Chapter 124: Echo

The sound of the crash attracted beasts near the vicinity. But the powerful blaze of the fire kept them at bay. As the storm washed away the flame, the beasts finally gained enough courage to explore the place. But no matter where they look, they can’t find anything interesting. These beasts only have the most simplest of minds, their curiosity …