Chapter 104: A thousand miles.

Having finished scarfing down his sandwich, Turf finished up his drink and jumped off his seat. He put down a few gold coins and left to his wagon. Crule and Ming followed without saying anything. When they reached the wagon, it was already prepared and ready to go. Since electricity doesn’t work, the wagon runs on two different fuels. They …

Chapter 103: Guild Hall and sandwich.

The receptionist quickly covered her mouth after realizing her blunder. Most adventurers would prefer to remain anonymous as grudges and fame hinder their progress. Crule could only put his hand over his face and shake his head. Ming just sighed. Now that everyone’s attention was on them, it was actually a slightly more ideal situation. Crule and Ming wanted to …

Chapter 102: Farewells and Next Seal.

After all the excitement, all the engineer who had been working non-stop for endless hours on end passed out. Brigid was the last one to fall asleep. Lawks’ father sat alone on a balcony drinking a very strong liquor. [Lawks’ Father]: *sigh* I feel like it’s my own fault I let you guys destroy my mountain. I should have known …

Chapter 101: The evil within.

A pool of darkness appear underneath Crule and his armor. It was similar to the pool he summoned to fight Hanuman. It was his gateway to the special spatial storage where he keep his live monsters. His storage is separated into two sections, one for inanimate objects, and the other for live beings. The armor sank down into the void. …

Chapter 100: Crule’s Armor.

  Brigid silently stored the armor in a crystal and handed it to Ming. [Ming]: Why are you guys so quiet? [Lawks Father]: My mountain… [Ming]: Oh, don’t worry about that. At least now the west side of your house will get some sunshine. [Lawks Father]: My…mountain… Ming was extremely carefree and smiling while Lawks’ Father was kneeling on the …

Arc8 Epilogue.

Maximus poked at the fire pit with a random branch he found on the ground. He shifted the charcoal around, trying to get more oxygen to the small ember burning in the logs. It was now the afternoon, a few hours away from sunset. He was in an extremely deep area of the Wild. No one else has ever set …

Chapter 99: Clothes of Deities.

The creature was a good twenty meter tall. The loomed over the area like an apartment complex. It looked like a mix between a wild boar and a lizard. Its body structure was oval and strong looking fur covered the main body like a layer of steel. The limbs were prominent and long. They were covered in a layer of …

Chapter 98: Ming’s Armor.

The bright armor was a darker shade of green. It wasn’t quite olive but had a certain pinker hue to it. Areas where the light shone directly on the armor gave off a slightly rainbow hue. On the shoulder were two large bundles of white fur that looked like a large scarf. It seems to be made of the fur …

Chapter 97: Show of force.

The emerald eyes of the armor glittered under the bright white light emitting from the veins. With a jump, Chun Qin flew into the air. A steady stream of white flames emitted from under his greaves keeping him afloat. [Brigid]: Looks like the flight mechanics are working just fine. Brigid checked a box on her clipboard. Chun Qin was flying …

Chapter 96: Mobile suit.

While Brigid rant about her needs to the engineering crew, Crule and the other looked around the rest of the town before heading out to the immediate area of the Wild. The gate towns looked perfectly fine after the first two days of open beta. They were able to handle the explosion of participants no problems at all. It seems …