Chapter 77: Feast of Drakes.

Nearly a hundred people who currently resides at the Lawks clan headquarters joined for the feast. They were utter amazed at the three dishes Crule, Shin, and Kate prepared. Everyone was complementing them. With so many people, half of the drake meat Crule saved was used, but it was a necessary sacrifice to obtain the favor of the Lawks clan. …

Chapter 76: Shameless praising.

The sage of time gazed at the city sized magic formation from a nearby hill. He was currently on the planet Crecentia. [Sage of Time]: Even sealed, you cause the world problems. He stared in anger at the center of the magic formation. In the middle was six crosses stabbed into the ground with chains connecting between them. In the …

Chapter 75: A generation of demons.

Feeling the overwhelming power of the aura, Lawks’ Father actually got on one knee. Being so close to the source of pressure, all the students were already on the floor. [Crule]: That’s enough for now. [Ming]: Ehhh, but I only used about half. [Crule]: Didn’t you realize half the people in the auditorium already fainted. We are trying to go …

Chapter 74: Closed beta test.

Larks sat in seiza in front of her father. He stared at her intently. Her nervousness could easy be seen on her face as well as how hard she is trying to hide it. Suddenly, her father smiled. [Larks’ Father]: Good, you have made me proud. She couldn’t hold in her emotion and cried. Her father hugged her. [Larks’ Father]: …

Arc6 Epilogue.

Brigid was busy redecorating the empty room in the ship. She planned to make it into a mighty forge/lab. Her interest in blacksmithing and alchemy knows no bounds. It took her a few hours but she finally unpacked all the things she retrieved from her destroyed home. After rewiring some wall sockets, she manage to plug in all her permanent …

Chapter 73: Press conference.

A man with a very clean pressed suit was sweating profusely as he straighten his tie. Facing his mirror in his dressing room, he practices his lines over and over again. [Man]: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the pinnacle of entertainment! The Antagonist games. He raised his hand dramatically for more emphasis. He put down the stack of paper that was …

Chapter 71: What now?

[Brigid]: My lab! She kneeled on the ground after seeing the state her forge/lab had become. It was utterly destroyed. Broken shards of class and exposed electrical wire littered the floor. Her marble counter tops had been reduced to nothing but chunks of rubble. [Brigid]: It took so long to get it just right… She looked dejected. [Kate]: Cheer up, …

Chapter 70: Drake Elimination Complete.

The drake has been alive for a very long time. For as long as he could remember, he was the top of the food chain on this orbiting piece of rock and fire. Before these pesky humans arrived, he stood supreme. Strangely enough, he never wondered why he was the only drake on the entire moon. Everything else was just …

Chapter 69: Fighting the Drake.

An earth shattering boom echoed through the town. All nearby glass shattered as the vibrations ripped them asunder. What no one expected was the blast still not as effective. A violet shield of energy formed in front of the drake. The beam constantly smashing into it and bolts of electricity sparks left and right, shooting off from the beam to …

Chapter 68: Instant calamity.

Standing on the balcony of their hotel room looking across the barren desert, the bold looking man sighed. [Maximus]: I can feel that bastard drake’s energy swelling up. Looks like he will pop out in the middle of this town… [Chun Qin]: So this town is doomed? [Maximus]: Looks like it. We can only destroy the drake, not force it …