Chapter 64 (Final Chapter) : A Blissful Tale

Within 3 months, the Man Tribe from Xi Bei caused an unrest in the border. Yan Ping volunteered to deal with the matter. 5 days after he left, Consort Yu seek attendance. I no longer had any interest to toy with this former enemy of mine. The scar that she had inflicted on me had been healed by His Majesty’s …

Chapter 63: You’ve Got My Back

Although the emperor did not know why I cried, he knew it wasn’t because of physical pain or out of anger towards my maids. Shi Qing told him that pregnant women had imbalance mood, so he simply took it as that and enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug. I naturally was too embarrassed to tell the real reason; maybe I …

Chapter 62: A Different Kind of Outcome

E Huang wiped her tears in grievance, trying to excuse herself, “This servant was just too happy to see His Majesty waking up and wanted to inform Her Ladyship. This servant was too tired from all the running and didn’t have time to speak… Who would have thought that Her Ladyship would run away the moment she heard the beginning …

Chapter 61: How to Become a Demonized Empress Who Ruined a Kingdom.

Wu Ke ‘kindly’ told me that the morning court was as no good as the vegetable market; His Majesty had always allowed the officials to be outspoken and honest. He must have worked too hard lately and was scared that I would ruin the current balance the moment I sit in the morning court. I readied myself to get bombed …

Chapter 60: No Leader Amongst a Crowd of Dragons.

Turns out, even beauties turned scary when they became hysterical. Her eyes were bulged while her hairpin was messily dangling from her hair. She no longer looked gentle and amiable. Perhaps, in Consort De’s mind, since her Father was a good Father, he ought to be a good and loyal minister as well. Me saying ‘the attempt this time has …

Chapter 59: From a Small Beginning, We Could See the End

The journey back to the palace felt slow and long. I grasped onto his hands and could feel them turning colder. He was gradually losing consciousness as he spoke, “……. The empress is to look over the kingdom. Investigate the kings’ secret troops in regards to the assassination attempt.” My heart twisted up in a ball. Wu Ke went to …

Chapter 58: The Portrait of His Majesty and the Assassins Should Both Be Spread

After I got to know Feng Zhao Wen, I was always under the impression that he was invincible. He was so powerful and was practically unrivaled in the battlefield. He never lost in politics and was blessed with such a good look. He didn’t seem to have suffered any lost when it came to love matters as well; all in …

Chapter 57: For the People

Books like ‘The Virtue of Women’ told us that after marriage, women should just listen to their husbands, or else, the consequences would be dire. I deeply regretted the fact that I had forgotten the essence of marriage, even after copying those books so many times. Marriage was never a peaceful thing; there would always be some problem somewhere. It …

Chapter 56: Mistakenly Thought His Majesty Was A Virtuous Gentleman

The emperor suddenly became easy to bully. Tian Bing Qing put on a grateful look, maybe because I redempted His Majesty in front of those officials who kept waiting for imperial children (and kept sending their daughters to the palace to pay respect to whoever they can think of.) I heard, after it was announced that I was pregnant, a …

Chapter 55: The Record of the Ungrateful White-Eyed Wolf (2)

It was as though they were back to the time where the Crown Prince was rearing Xiao Hui. The smile on his face gradually grew abundant; he no longer appeared solemn in a heart-aching way. Everytime he saw that smile on his face, Tian Bing Qing secretly thank General Wu Ke for smashing An Xiaolang in the head. There was …