B3 — 18. Plans For Home

POV:  Rachel Sung Park Recap:  Rachel was given the power core of the alien ship as a mark for the conquest.  The crystals closed and now they have the information needed for the government to start making some plans.  Time for the next step of our heroines’ adventure! Rachel walked through the gateway with Scarlet by her side, entering the …

B3 — 17. Victory!

POV:  Rachel Sung Park Recap:  It seems like everything’s over on Scarlet, Fiona, and Maria’s side of things as they prepare to head back.  Maria teleported a massive chunk of land, did a dance, and now has the Azure Frost Core tucked snugly between her breasts. Now, we head back to Rachel to see how she’s doing on her end …

B3 — 16. Is It Finally Over?

POV:  Scarlet Clementine Johnson Recap:  Scarlet, Fiona, and Maria infiltrated the Azure Frost’s defenses with a mixture of good affinities, and fearing the worst, Fiona put an Earth Shield around Scarlet.  She watched in trepidation as the two argued and without warning, Maria reached down and plucked the Core. After a dazzling display that put the fear of disintegration in Scarlet, …

B3 — 15. Frozen World

POV:  Scarlet Clementine Johnson Recap:  Rachel listened to everything the Aliens discovered and watched what they tried in their holographic room.  With everything she’d seen, she’s fairly confident that a nuke won’t work, and not only their lives, but the lives of the Aliens and all of earth are in the hands of our nervous Vampire, upcoming rap-goddess Fairy, and Miami …

B3 — 14. A Grim Discovery

POV:  Rachel Park Recap:  Rachel met the orange aliens and found out they didn’t quite understand fiction from reality and connected with a soldier’s mind with way too much Sci-Fi in it.  Now, they’re worried about how unpredictable and powerful humans are.  They find that the most ‘logical’ solution to not anger the time-traveling, technologically more advanced humans.  Rachel looks around and …

B3 — 13. Fantasy And Science Fiction

POV:  Rachel Park Recap:  Rachel and the group prepare to deal with The Azure Frost with the expectation that if they fail, then the world might end, and the U.S. Government will drop a Hydrogen Bomb.  Rachel was invited into the Alien base, and Lunar Pride reared its ugly head.  Not only that, but it also forced her to put a strange …

B3 — 12. Invitation

POV:  Rachel Park Recap:  Rachel and the group had to suffer through some politics that bled Tom’s stress and frustration before he explained the Executive Branch’s discussion.  Fiona got a house!  Maria is now Sleeping Beauty (unbeknownst to her), and they’re getting ready to enter the crystal … oh, and if they fail, they’re nuking the place! Rachel got to her feet, …

B3 — 11. The Plan

POV:  Rachel Park Recap:  Rachel and the group got caught up in a meeting between the Executive Branch and Tom; they got a little off-track and were concerned about a lot of issues, but mainly money, and how they were going to proceed with the information given.  The gang retired for the night, leaving Tom to talk things over with the Executive Branch.  …

B3 — 10. Crystals, Money, And The Future

POV:  Rachel Park Recap:  Rachel and the girls were in the thick of a meeting with Tom and the Executive Branch of the United States.  The girls told them about the aliens and the Azure Frost, and now they’re getting ready to discuss what to do about it. Rachel listened to the conversation that followed once they left; Scarlet was already moving …

B3 — 9. Omens Of The Apocalypse

POV:  Rachel Park Recap:  Fiona and Scarlet return to report in about their finds.  Fiona found some news on the crystals while Scarlet discovered some aliens. Rachel appeared on the other side of the Blood Portal, finding her balance quickly; she couldn’t help but shiver as the physical act of being touched everywhere spread across her body while sliding through.  Taking a …