B2 — 5. General Dallas

Rachel kept her eyes closed as she rested her head against the glass, hair pulled over her shoulder as more agents continued to enter the building; she could hear the low mutters, questioning why they were there as people past Maria, Bree, and her.  Bree kept her lax composure, obviously tired herself, while Maria’s nearly inaudible breathes left her lungs. …

B2 — 4. Emotional Wedge Pt. 3

Rachel moved her head to look out the window but knew the moon wasn’t in sight.  This sucks … I don’t even know if normal medication will work on me anymore.  You wouldn’t think so; I don’t think I have the same biology anymore. Chuckling softly, she drew Bree’s attention.  “What?” “You know—I found out something really strange recently.  So, …

B2 — 4. Emotional Wedge Pt. 2

She listened to a few military doctors and reports for a moment.  “There are a lot of people that are hurt, and some healers have already confirmed that Relica’s mind control is still in effect on a few people; they’re on suicide watch.  I don’t know when she might use them.” Maria popped her tongue.  “You didn’t hear me, I …

B2 — 4. Emotional Wedge Pt. 1

They followed Bree and Serah down the halls and through a few doors until they reached evidence lock-up and storage; there were a few agents, but Rachel heard the majority of them clustered around other parts of the building, and more were flooding in with reports or just getting away from the chaos outside to check-in for duty. Bree and …

B2 — 3. Strategic Mind

Rachel looked between Hughes and Bailey as they stared at the table in front of them.  They’re at least looking at us as people now and not dehumanizing us.  Hopefully, they will talk about this among other agents, but it won’t be easy to shift opinions. Opinion is mostly turning in our favor from testimonials, but very little of the …

B2 — 2. The Rabbit Hole

Rachel, Fiona, Maria, and Scarlet followed Hughes and Bailey to the elevator; getting in, she watched Bailey swipe her card and press the basement first level.  Listening to the conversations happening around the base, Rachel began to understand a trend in the topics which twisted her stomach. “Hughes,” everyone’s eyes locked on Rachel before sliding to the woman; Hughes took …

B2 — 1. Overwatch

Welcome to Volume 2 Rachel looked to their right at the large shopping district as Fiona, Maria, and Scarlet walked beside her; Hopper and Rowdy escorted them as they made their way toward the helicopter to their next destination, Overwatch.  She led the group, keeping them to the far left of the road; the pain she hid faded as she …

B1 — 30. Conclusion

Rachel’s POV Rachel breathed through her teeth as she forced herself up; she couldn’t feel pain with the moonlight empowering her, but she knew her muscles were strained.  She expanded her hearing, listening for Maria, Scarlet, and Fiona. Maria seemed to be talking with some of the SEALs, Fiona was having a troublesome time with some of Terrell’s gang, and …

B1 — 29. Unexpected Outcome

Scarlet’s POV; 3/3 Scarlet felt powerful as she gripped her scythe, but something was wrong; her adept knowledge of how to use the weapon was gone.  Crap … Guise of the Reaper is blocking Scarlet’s Tree; so, I can’t use Scarlet’s Blessing. Her mind was clear, despite the setback.  She glanced at Relica’s puppet as the shadow continued to study …

B1 — 28. The System

Scarlet’s POV 2/3 Scarlet appeared behind Relica; she slashed at her back, but a light circular shell surrounded Relica’s body moments before she struck.  The resistance she felt against her scythe increased for a moment as her blade struck, penetrating the shield by two inches before it shattered. Her senses exploded with warning signals; instinctively darting back, her blood shot …