B5 — 22. Day To Night

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hell Hare!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Mackenzie, Reshi, AI Simpson, Flaranor, Bugou, Thriarsis, Alex Griffin, Emjayw, Kriden, Thomas Borrmann, and my other Patrons! The thump in Rachel’s chest felt like someone was trying to beat a punching bag as the morning Florida beams bathed her in light, …

B5 —21. Sun Touched

Author Note:  I KNOW the ending is a, eh, bit of a tease… cliff, but you have to understand, I need the proper time to flesh this stuff out.  D=  I can’t rush it.  These are things I have prepared to reveal for so long, leaving little hints along the way that will slowly start to click with people, and …

B5 —20. Finding A Way Forward

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hades Hare is BACK!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Sicarian, Jared Larkin, Andre Lauth, Eyes Wide, Martynas Samsonas, Justin Timothy, Seigfried589, Falxie, and my other Patrons! Laying in bed, Rachel stared up at the ceiling in the still house as 7 p.m. passed; her father had left to …

B5 —19. Raguna’s Secret Mission

Cahira tentatively stepped past the barrier with Jack as she scanned the room, previously inhabited by evil spirits; the tribal markings and voodoo appeared to be lifeless after the Lion King cracked the floor.  “Huh.  Feelin’ anythin’, Jackie?” The man stroked his beard, each eyebrow lifting up and down as he looked left and right, seemingly expecting the skulls to …

5 — 18. Death’s Coffer

PoV: 1. Cahira (Our Fire-Haird Pirate Goddess!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Xynee, SpaceGoddess76, Skia, JaPB, Karma Baris, Rexi Boi, DragonGodOphis, Ethan Hohman, Sheranor, and my other Patrons! The dim, fog-filled sky above was pulled further away as Cahira laughed; her gut tightened with the cold grip of death, drawing her into oblivion and …

B5 — 17. When Luck Strangles You

PoV: 1. Jack Ward (Our First Look At Our Chaotic Pirate Captain!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Crimson Twilight, Joshy14-06, Gloxie, Flaranor, Bugou, Thriarsis, Alex Griffin, Emjayw, and my other Patrons! A low hum passed through Jack’s throat as he stood next to Cahira on her small, self-propelling boat with Bonnet’s crew of twenty …

B5 — 16. A Nightmare Lifted

Note:  My grandpa is doing much better. I should have half of UE Volume 4-1 out tomorrow, and everything should return to a normal schedule this week. Thanks for hanging in there, guys! PoV: 1. Melissa (Our New Tentacle Mythikin!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Joshy14-06, AJ, Zel, Max Mustermann-34615, x51t2, John Driscoll, Anskelis, Brian …

B5 — 15. Isla de Marda

PoV: 1. Melissa (Our New Tentacle Mythikin!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Gloxie, Demalos, Skia, Vincent Bhushan, Vantimiglia, RedWolf17, Kyle Markman, Kriden, Emjayw, and my other Patrons! Melissa swallowed the sticky saliva in her mouth, cat ears twitching at the silent atmosphere that met them in the misty environment; the ominous black sand and …

B5 — 14. A Part Of The Crew

PoV: 1. Melissa (Our First Look At Our New Tentacle Mythikin!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Doomerjunky, Allen J Butcher, Randerz, Stephen Whiting, Casey, Payen Hell, Cass, Matt Lewis, and my other Patrons! Melissa hugged herself as the storm raged around them, cat ears twitching while adjusting to all the chaos around her; she …

B5 — 13. Relica’s Envy

PoV: 1. Selvaria (Our Cosplaying Leviathan!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Alex Griffin, Emjayw, Kriden, Thomas Boorrmann, Kyle Markman, Redwolf17, snarleyow, Vantimiglia, and my other Patrons! Illuminated teal-blue irises appraising the raging storm, ominous clouds, and flashing lightning in the distance, Selvaria balanced on the Dreadnought’s bow with Galatea beside her.  The open trench …