B5 — 2. Pending Calamity

PoV: 1. Rachel (Our Lunar Hare Girl!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Grexira, Noverclocker, Jacob Hipes, Aria Red, Drehaszar, Merpmerp, Lurker Below, Midnight Harbinger, and my other Patrons! Uneasiness gripped Rachel’s muscles, ears twitching as she glanced back at the adorable little, white-haired child that was Jaenona, a weakened, eldritch entity with bows and …

B5 — 1. A Tense Reunion

PoV: 1. Rachel (Our Lunar Hare Girl!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: JaPB, Vincent Bhushan, Tlove, Lishmeal, Fadzanatas, Rafael Bazua, Philipp Schmalz, Mackenzie, and my other Patrons! Rachel laid next to Nia on the roof of Cahira’s Dragon Turtle mansion, staring up at the bright, full moon with her little bunny girl; it felt …

B5 — 0. Hand Behind The Curtain

Author’s Note:  Here we go; big reveal to kick off Volume 5!  I’ve been mulling this chapter around all week in my head, and I’m unsure if it should be at the start of this novel or at the end of last.  Give me your opinion in the comments! PoV: 1. Wolfgang (Our Legend of the Angel of Death!) I …

B4 — Anthony’s Journey Pt. 3 – End

Author’s Note:  Well, Crew, we’ve reached the conclusion of Volume 4.  What a volume Cuba was!  Now, we’ll see about Volume 5 on Wednesday!  Cheers! PoV: 1. Anthony (Our Abducted Boyfriend!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: DarkS_22, Shannon Livingston, Kriden, Sicarian, C. Beck Harbinson, N, Johnnyboy 117, Aron34, and my other Patrons! Anthony sat …

B4 — Anthony’s Journey Pt. 2

PoV: 1. Anthony (Our Abducted Boyfriend!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Opala, Freddie Rash, Tester, Paper Crane, Mike Bartter, Useless, Thea Nyx Petersen, Shakango Resident, and my other Patrons! The unnerving hum that resonated through Anthony made his stomach squeamish as he sat in the hailing emeralds, watching what he assumed was a ‘cleaner’ …

B4 — Anthony’s Journey Pt. 1

PoV: 1. Anthony (Our Abducted Boyfriend!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Skia, Vincent Bhushan, Tlove, Lishmael, Fadzanatas, NippVanWrinkle, Rafael Bazua, Philipp Schmalz, and my other Patrons! Anthony rushed forward to check on the girl and elderly man, gravelly sand kicking around him in his haste, yet Jaenona’s voice calmed him as he neared. “Sleep …

B4 — 59. Leaving Cuba

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Hot Blooded Lunar Hare!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Adam Simpson, Johnny2by4, Anonymous, Spencer, Ty Tuttle, Mansikamarja, Mark, Lord Lucifer, Le Sparkle, Patrick Frake, Bryan Wiggins, Innes, and my other Patrons! Hopping through Scarlet’s blood portal without a second thought, Rachel slid through the liquid—somewhat desensitized by this point …

B4 — 58. Lion Vs. The Hare

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Hot Blooded Lunar Hare!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: C. Beck Harbinson, N, Johnnyboy117, Aron34, Seronis, Denis Dube, Selvaria, Xophque, Paradim, Kite7, Andy, Toby S Myers, and my other Patrons! Fingers flexing, Rachel stared across the destroyed field from the stadium’s concrete hallway entrance, Scarlet by her side; it …

B4 — 57. Follow The Leader

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Hot Blooded Lunar Hare!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Markus, Tarodan, Brunoid, Falxie, Seigfried589, Justin Timothy, Martynas Samsonas, Eyes Wide, Andre Lauth, Jared Larkin, Fotia, and my other Patrons! Rachel settled into bed in one of Cahira’s empty rooms; it was a little challenging with the number of people …

B4 — 56. Ending A Hard Night

PoV: 1. Selvaria (Our Cosplay Loving Leviathan!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Name Pending, Foo, Brandon Stiles, Lanitos, Ryan Devine, ASmallFish, Alexander Getty, Thrusk, Nicholas Pankratz, and my other Patrons! Water embraced Selvaria, growing to her monstrous size while reentering the ocean to beat her tail, distancing herself from shore as fast as possible; …