B4 — 55. Knights Templar

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hell Hare!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: ArchoniaXenia, GreatestSin, Shakango Resident, Thea Nyx Petersen, Endo, Iobe I, Opala, Freddie Rash, Tester, Paper Crane, and my other Patrons! Rachel’s legs gave way, Scarlet following as the horrific battle raging above them began, Revilla’s monstrosities filling the heavens; the barrier …

B4 — 54. Sacrifice

PoV: 1. Izanami (Our Fallen Creation Deity!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Dantalia, GreatestSin, Nunction, Facemeltoar, E.W., Nsixtyfour, Innes, Bryan Wiggins, Partrick Frake, Le Sparkle, Lord Lucifer, and my other Patrons! Izanami stood before the odd entity a tad perplexed, channeling forces she hadn’t used since time antiquity, yet in the fires raging around …

B4 — 53. Call For War

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hades Hare!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Alex, Ifeanyichukwu Emeagwali, Sinax, Adam Simpson, Johnny2by4, Anonymous, Spencer, TY Tuttle, Mansikamarja, Mark, and my other Patrons! Rachel sighed once reaching Nia; upon closer inspection, the girl showed several cuts on her outfit and fair skin, leaking white blood, and a …

B4 — 52. A Pathetic End

PoV: 1. Adele (Scarlet’s Mother) 2. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hell Hare!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Ifeanyichukwu Emeagwali, Walden Tolbert, Michael Mooney, Gabbeldor, Pltergeist, Nissarin, Harukain, Boris, Eodon, Drinko, and my other Patrons! Adele turned in confusion as Fulgencio screamed for Aleister to construct a demonic binding. She’d just started the ritual; now …

B4 — 51. Fatal Flaw

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hell Hare!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Tarodan, Brunoid, Falxie, Seigfried589, Justin Timothy, Martynas Samsonas, Eyes Wide, Andre Lauth, Jared Larkin, Fotia, and my other Patrons! Rachel’s eyes narrowed while waiting outside the room housing a blood clinic’s stock, gut churning as the ominous waves of misfortune circled …

B4 — 50. A Dream Of Mist And Blood

PoV: 1. Scarlet (Our Vamp Girl!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Hernalius, Nolan Phalen, Dairyman, Brandon, Florent Baril, William Gillis, Van, Grexira, Foolishlurker, Abrecan Ghoul, and my other Patrons! Scarlet swiftly teleported into buildings like the predator she was meant to be, emerging from the shadows for her blood to encase her unsuspecting victims …

B4 — 49. A Puppet’s End

PoV: 1. Selvaria (Our Cosplay Loving Leviathan!) 2. Alan (Our Puppet Master!) 3. Maria (Our Unicorn!) 4. Ohan (Our Samurai!) 5. Relica (Everyone’s Hated Sorceress!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Paper Crane, Mike Bartter, Shinigamix, Eric, Karan, Grant Woodley, VerethragnaD, Jan L, Name Pending, Foo, and my other Patrons! Selvaria’s tail pounded against the …

B4 — 48. Warlord Fiona

PoV: 1. Nemesis (Our Lion King That Likes Rachel!) 2. Fiona White (Our Lil’ Warlord Irish Lass!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Darth Mole, Richard Doss, Leo Viarouge, Y0ima0wn, AJ Zel, Akasha Kruznik, Max Mustermann-34615, x51t2, and my other Patrons! Nemesis’ hands closed around the throat of a twelve-foot-tall giant of a man, fingers …

B4 — 47. The Legend Of Arjuna

PoV: 1. Vasishtha (Our Legend of Arjuna!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: AI Simpson, Flaranor, Bugou, Thriarsis, Alex Griffin, Emjayw, Kriden, Dantalia, Thomas Borrmann, Kyle Markman, and my other Patrons! The water and wind beat against Vasishtha’s soaked shirt and face, but a grin split his lips while hauling Luka through the storm; life …

B4 — 46. The Lion, The Witch, And The Hare

PoV: 1. Nemesis (Our Lion King of Havana!) I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Mark, Lord Lucifer, Le Sparkle, Patrick Frake, Bryan Wiggins, Innes, Nsixtyfour, E.W. Facemeltoar, Nunction, Nathan Avery, and my other Patrons! The fur along Nemesis’ arms bristled as he walked through the dying tempest, peering through the golden hue of Pride of …