B4 — 35. The Legend of Yasuke

PoV: 1. Selvaria (Our Big Leviathan!) Recap:  We learned about Selvaria’s social anxiety, a few interests of hers, and how she wants to change to be better!  She’s trying her hardest to be the cool, big monster girl that people can rely on!  She also wants to dress with with the girls; I bet Scarlet and Alexa will love that! I …

B4 — 34. Fools On The High Sea

PoV: 1. Selvaria (Our Big Leviathan!) Recap:  Rachel and company have beaten back the devils!  It came at a price, but we’re victorious!  Now, let’s go on a short trip to see how Ohan and Selvaria are doing in their liberation efforts! I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me: Tlove, RoseCroft, Van, William Gillis, Grexira, Foolishlurker, AbrecanGhoul, …

B4 — 33. Hades’ End

PoV: 1. Scarlet (Our desperate new step-sister!) 2. Rachel (Our Lunar Hell Hare!) Recap:  This is it, ladies and gentlemen!  It’s time to see if Rachel has really discovered a way to ruin all of Asher’s plans; brace yourself because help is on the way, people!  It’s time to close Hades’ gate and stop the apocalypses! I want to thank my …

B4 — 32. Triggering Misfortune

PoV: 1. Rachel (Our Lunar Hades Hare!) Recap:  Maria incinerated N*** butt, and saved the little girl and dozens of twins, but at a price to her own heart.  Two of five Wolfgang down, three to go!  Maria now has a tail and ears; she’s also got some awesome offensive abilities now, too! We return to Rachel … It’s time to …

B4 — 31. Retribution

PoV: 1. Maria (Our Mythickin Unicorn that now has a horse tail and ears!  Wooh!) Recap:  Wolfgang is a true believer in his cause, as we learned very well in the last chapter when sentencing himself to be tortured in Hades for all eternity … He forced Maria to face a trauma in her past regarding her father … to kill …

B4 — 30. Humanity’s Hope

PoV: 1. Wolfgang (Our German Angel of Death Legendkin) Recap:  Grace and Scarlet went after Wolfgang at Rachel’s request; if they can’t get him, Rachel will be dragged back with Yseress to Hades.  Unfortunately, Wolfgang is a man of plans in plans, and was ready with his own countermeasure, ready to feed his soul to bring an inner-dimensional being out to …

B4 — 29. Walking Through Uncertainty

PoV: 1. Grace (Our Legend of Calamity Jane that just got pulled into this mess!) Recap:  Hades Hare Rachel went full manipulator mode and followed the strings of misfortune to play on Armand’s pride; now, she’s turned him against Asher since the Demon wants her alive and Armand wants her dead.  They’re playing to her strings as Hades’ Energy floods her …

B4 — 28. Lunar Hades Hare

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Lunar Hades Hare; here we go!) Recap:  Rachel has temporarily transformed into a Lunar Hades Hare, channeling Yseress’s connection to the underworld as if she were twisting the half-Devil like a rag, sucking out every drop she can collect.  Now, it’s time to fight like a Devil! I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support …

B4 — 27. Break The Mold

Author Note:  I beat Covid and am back, Baby!  Wow, some awesome stuff ahead for our Lunar Hare, and I can’t wait for everyone to continue on with the story!  ^_^7 PoV: 1. Scarlet 2. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hare!) Recap:  Uh … Yeah, Yseress turned out to be a powerful half-human devil that had an actual ruler of Hell inside …

B4 — 26. The Devil

PoV: 1. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hare!) Recap:  Hoh-boy!  We met Wolfgang, and … We got a villain on our hands, ladies and gentlement!  Probably one of my favorites that I’ve made.  Snap, he’s so good (CALM DOWN!).  We got our look at Yseress … Basically, for the ATM fans out there, we got Bathin on our hands!  A real devil. …