Chapter 375: That’s also not a bad idea (5)

“Wasn’t the departure date the day after tomorrow?” (Jeong In-Su) “That means they are still here, aren’t they?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “I believe so.” (Jeong In-Su) “Hmm….” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) One could tell from how the NDF didn’t show up here, presumably prevented from doing so, that the government was taking the upcoming excursion up north as an incredible grave matter. “In …

Chapter 374: That’s also not a bad idea (4)

That spectacle was like something you’d only see inside a living hell. A thundercloud? No, it was different from that. The darkness emanating from it was different compared to regular stormy clouds. That dark colour, that blackness, made one feel unsettled just from looking at it. It was depressing, gloomy, and the longer you stared at it, the tighter your …

Chapter 373: That’s also not a bad idea (3)

“Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk!!” (Jeong In-Su) “Argh, what the hell?!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk jumped up in surprise and looked behind in the general direction of the voice. “….Sorry about being late.” (Jeong In-Su) “Hul? I thought you were too preoccupied lately?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “I’d have nothing more to ask for if I was given four hands right about now.” (Jeong …

Chapter 372: That’s also not a bad idea (2)

Krrrrr-! Krooooaaar!! Impossibly vicious roars and growls escaped from the inside of the Gate as black as the deepest abyss. ‘W-what’s going on?’ (Jo Ji-Woong) Jo Ji-Woong stared at the Gate with a pair of deeply tense eyes. He already had heard about a rumour that Yi Ji-Hyuk controlled monsters. That Ogre right before his eyes alone easily proved that …

Chapter 371: That’s also not a bad idea (1)

(TL: My bad, the chapter isn’t edited. You may find spelling mistakes and grammar faux pas here and there. Do forgive me.) “W-what should we do?” (Jo Ji-Woong) Jo Ji-Woong’s complexion was paler than a sheet of paper as he asked Yi Ji-Hyuk. Others only thought of this situation as being quite serious, but he was a currently-serving member of …

Chapter 370: Is that a problem? (5)

Yi Ji-Hyuk’s expression grew utterly dazed. Why was Dah-Som here, of all places? He went, “Could it be that she knows someone else in here?” and scanned the rest of the crowd in the venue, but they were all looking at her with expressions that said, “Who the heck is that girl?” Although the door was wide open, Kim Dah-Som …

Chapter 369: Is that a problem? (4)

“What do you mean, the real story? They are probably just friends.” “Why would a friend come with him to a reunion?” “She’s a celebrity. He must’ve figured that we’d be happy to meet her.” “That’s from Ji-Hyuk’s perspective. From Jeong Hae-Min’s perspective, there is no reason to hold a free event just because a friend asked her to come, …

Chapter 368: Is that a problem? (3)

“What do you mean, drop the act?!” (Jeong Hae-Min) Jeong Hae-Min got triggered by that, but Yi Ji-Hyuk simply looked at her and tutted grandly. Since she was already in the full ‘fan meet-and-greet’ mode, she could only shoot him a subtle glare while smiling radiantly to everyone else. “Do you have to be like that even in here?” (Yi …

Chapter 367: Is that a problem? (2)

“Ma’am, you are trying to cheer me up, aren’t you?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) “Eh? Cheer you up? I got irritated by looking at you moping around, so I’m simply telling you to pull your socks up, nothing more.” (Seo Ah-Young) “Urgh….” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) Choi Jeong-Hoon shook his head in resignation. “Whatever the case may be, isn’t it time to focus on …

Chapter 366: Is that a problem? (1)

“Urgh….” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) Choi Jeong-Hoon frowned deeply and stabbed his hand inside his pocket. “….Not there.” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) He couldn’t find his keys. But then again, he had been basically living in his office for the past week or so, and it’d be a bit of a mission to recall just where he misplaced his keys all those days ago. …