Chapter 235: Can’t even say it when in front (5)

Wuuuoong-!!! The Gate opened up abruptly, just like that, and monsters began pouring out from the portal. “What the hell is this?!” The crowd screamed in fear. A Gate opening up was a common occurrence nowadays. Also, one opening up in the middle of a city happened every now and then, so the current situation shouldn’t have been much of …

Chapter 234: Can’t even say it when in front (4)

“What?!” (Lee Tae-Soo) The Regional Director of the KSF’s Gahng-book district, Lee Tae-Soo, pulled his head away from the phone and looked at its screen with a dumbfounded expression. It said ‘Kwok Myung-Hoon’. He initially thought that he had called the wrong number, but nope, it was the right one. Well, he was speaking to the ability user in question …

Chapter 233: Can’t even say it when in front (3)

Bzzzzzz!!!! Pale-blue arcs of electricity buzzed threateningly in the air. Kwok Myung-Hoon glared at his surroundings with bloodshot eyes, and utter chaos broke out in an instant. “Uwaaah?! Run away!!” Crowd of onlookers witnessed the electrical sparks dancing in the air and lost their collective sh*t, before running away in the opposite direction from Kwok Myung-Hoon. “That crazy b*stard!!” “This …

Chapter 232: Can’t even say it when in front (2)

Going overboard? Who went overboard where? Were they trying to say that Kwok Myung-Hoon should laugh it off even though someone bit his leg, tearing off his flesh? “I mean, he’s an ability user, so he can solve this trouble-free. Was there a reason for him to go that far here?” “He probably wanted to hit that man.” “Seriously, these …

Chapter 231: Can’t even say it when in front (1)

It all began with something small. He worked his a*s off for over a month without taking a break, then suddenly found himself with some downtime. The nature of his job meant that he barely had any opportunity to take a break, to begin with. To make matters worse, the salary was low compared to what his job entailed, and …

Chapter 230: Isn’t there anything that can be done? (5)

“Argh, I don’t care no more!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk decided not to give a d*mn anymore. What was he supposed to do about people busy trying to hurt each other? It wasn’t as if he could summon all the leaders of the world in front of him and discipline them or something. Not only was such a task rather …

Chapter 229: Isn’t there anything that can be done? (4)

“We don’t do anything.” (Alpha) What Alpha said sounded like him cracking a joke. No matter who saw it, they could tell that it was precisely Alpha who drove the situation to what it was right now. But, he was planning to do nothing after creating such an amazing, nay, golden opportunity? “What do you mean?” (?) “It is exactly …

Chapter 228: Isn’t there anything that can be done? (3)

“What about London?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “It’s been partially destroyed.” (Choi Jung-Hoon) “But, that’s not our fault, is it? Things got that bad because Delkaran went on a rampage there, so how could that be the reason for the overall atmosphere getting worse?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “When you look at it rationally, you’re right.” (Choi Jung-Hoon) A bitter smile formed on Choi …

Chapter 227: Isn’t there anything that can be done? (2)

“You’re here?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk formed an awkward smile after spotting Kim Dah-Som, waiting for him by the front entrance of his home as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Her reaction after seeing him was a brightening complexion, plus hurriedly jogging towards him like a cute puppy dog. Didn’t she look a lot more …

Chapter 226: Isn’t there anything that can be done? (1)

Kwaa-boom!! The tank spewed out a large lick of flame. The shell flew like a streak of lightning and crashed into the armour belonging to a tank on the opposing side. It bore a hole through the armour plating, and molten metal gushed into the interior of the tank. “Aaaaahk!!” Along with the short but loud screams, the tank stopped …