Chapter 125: A guy who’s not blessed can’t achieve anything (5)

“But, I don’t have a lot to say, though?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Choi Jung-Hoon’s eyes began gleaming as soon as he received a signal from Seo Ah-Young. “We really didn’t want to ask you for the details until now, but I can’t help but feel that this might be a good time to tell us the truth.” (Choi Jung-Hoon) “But, why …

Chapter 124: A guy who’s not blessed can’t achieve anything (4)

“Commence firing!!” An order was issued, and countless bullets were fired. So many were fired that the arcs they drew in the air were visible to the naked eyes like dark raindrops. “Fire!! Keep firing! Don’t hold back!” Unfortunately, their target was utterly unmoved. Never mind bullets, not even artillery fire could not damage their target nor slow it down; …

Chapter 123: A guy who’s not blessed can’t achieve anything (3)

“Have we received an answer from them yet?” (Christopher McLaren) Christopher McLaren looked terrible from the dried sweat and ash from his cigars dirtying his face. He was in an utterly pitiful state as if his previous clean and confident appearance was nothing but a lie. However, he didn’t even have the leeway to maintain the basic hygiene at the …

Cgapter 122: A guy who’s not blessed can’t achieve anything (2)

“You’re here.” (Kim Dah-Som) Don’t greet me as if it’s the most obvious thing to do in the world!! You ain’t even my security guard, you know! (Yi Ji-Hyuk’s inner monologue) Yi Ji-Hyuk nodded his head with a bit of mixed expression on his face. “You’re a little later than usual today.” (Kim Dah-Som) “….Uh, sure.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) And, stop …

Chapter 121: A guy who’s not blessed can’t achieve anything (1)

Using the excuse of recuperating from his wounds, Yi Ji-Hyuk got himself a few days off. The first thing he did on the following morning was to switch on his computer. No, actually – he tried to do that. “….Aren’t you going to stop?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “Pardon?” (Affeldrichae) “You know, I’m just wondering to myself here since you’ve been playing …

Chapter 120: Your heart might stop beating, you see (5)

Yet another life rushed at him to die. Stab! A rusted sword pierced his lower belly, severed his spine, and exited through his back. “Keu-euck…..” Yi Ji-Hyuk reached down to grab the sword sticking out from his belly. The sharp blade cut into his skin and bit into his bones. But, it was fine. Because, Yi Ji-Hyuk couldn’t die. Even …

Chapter 119: Your heart might stop beating, you see (4)

“I said, keep as much distance as possible when fighting it!! You will die from just a little scratch!!!” (Seo Ah-Young) Seo Ah-Young shouted out at the top of her lungs. She wasn’t exaggerating, though. Seriously, just a slight little graze could kill a human being. As a matter of fact, a human being would die from being grazed by …

Chapter 118: Your heart might stop beating, you see (3)

“Ah….” Seo Ah-Young let out a resigned gasp after seeing the pillar of light flying rapidly in her general direction. That was the icy Breath the Dragon showed off back in Tokyo. The ray of chilling energy that managed to freeze a city in one go was currently headed straight towards her. ‘Resist it?’ But, how? Block that accursed ray …

Chapter 117: Your heart might stop beating, you see (2)

“I said, hurry up with the installation!!” (Seo Ah-Young) Seo Ah-Young’s sharp voice whipped the NDF agents to move faster. ‘You d*mn witch.’ There was no way anyone’s expressions would be good after being on the receiving end of Seo Ah-Young’s shouting. However, no one possessed enough courage to express dissatisfaction in front of her, either. There had been situations …

Chapter 116: Your heart might stop beating, you see (1)

“Just what is going on here?” (Choi Jung-Hoon) Choi Jung-Hoon muttered to himself, which prompted Affeldrichae to answer his query in a helpful manner. “That space has been connected to a different world.” (Affeldrichae) “Pardon??” (Choi Jung-Hoon) Affeldrichae continued on with a deadpan face. “Mister Ji-Hyuk’s specialties are attack magic spells and the operation of Gates.” (Affeldrichae) Oh, is that …