Chapter 65: Eii, it’s not gonna bite, you know? (5)

“Ha-ah….” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) At the moment, Yi Ji-Hyuk was bored out of his skull. He had grown sick and tired of playing computer games the whole day. It was natural, really; he couldn’t even remember the number of months he wasted playing the same game. You’d eventually grow bored of even the most extravagant feast, if you kept eating that …

Chapter 64: Eii, it’s not gonna bite, you know? (4)

TL: This extra chapter is brought to you by: Kaung T.W.N. (my bad if I got the name wrong! Sorry!) and Jan B. (who didn’t specify which novel he’s sponsoring, so I’m assuming it’s for the Returner. If not, please let me know.) Thank you for your support! “Well, not doing much, I guess?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk was unrepentantly …

Chapter 63: Eii, it’s not gonna bite, you know? (3)

What was the meaning of “holiday” to a human being? Wasn’t it supposed to be ‘healing the wariness of one’s heart and spirit born out of the daily trudge, through an uninterrupted rest’? And the most desirable outcome of one’s holiday should be to recharge one’s batteries in order to reenter and reintegrate into the workings of society, after the …

Chapter 62: Eii, it’s not gonna bite, you know? (2)

Both of Yi Ji-Hyuk’s hands began drawing magic runes in the air. If he was asked to blow the power station to smithereens, or block it up, that wouldn’t prove to be difficult at all. But, what Yi Ji-Hyuk was trying to cast right now was a magic spell that just so happened to be one of the most difficult …

Chapter 61: Eii, it’s not gonna bite, you know? (1)

“I said, get back!!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Hearing that unusually urgent tone of voice coming from Yi Ji-Hyuk’s mouth, all the hairs on Choi Jung-Hoon’s skin stood up. He was capable of sounding urgent like that? Really? Yi Ji-Hyuk was someone who treated a dang Ogre as one would treat a little dog, so Choi Jung-Hoon couldn’t help but feel utterly …

Chapter 60: It’s time to go home (5)

*SFX for a monster’s loud roar* The Ogre spat out another massive ear-busting ‘Howling’. More people collapsed to the ground while covering up their ears, their bodies writhing in pain. The terrifying ability possessed by the upper-class monsters, ‘Fear’ had come into effect. “S, stop!” Several ability users also lost their fighting spirit after getting struck down by the ‘Fear’ …

Chapter 59: It’s time to go home (4)

“Just what the hell is going on here?” The leader of the KSF’s strike force for Busan, Lee Seok-Woo was clenching his fists real tightly as he glared at the Gate in front of his eyes. What a f*cked up world this was. Of all the places in the peninsula of Korea, why did it have to appear here? You …

Chapter 58: It’s time to go home (3)

Yi Ji-Hyuk lit his cigarette and deeply sucked in the resulting blue smoke, before slowly letting it out. Now that he was at work, a certain sense of sleepiness was trying to swallow him whole. What a strange feeling this was – when he roused himself up from the embrace of slumber just so he could play the computer game, …

Chapter 57: It’s time to go home (2)

“How can you even think about going home under the current circumstances?!” (Seo Ah-Young) Yi Ji-Hyuk glared unhappily at Seo Ah-Young. “Who cares even if it’s a war?! I still need to get off work on time! Don’t you know how important ‘leaving work on time’ is, for a salaryman like me?! You better not try to lump me with …

Chapter 56: It’s time to go home (1)

“Has Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk arrived yet?” (Seo Ah-Young) Seo Ah-Young’s voice was cold and sharp. Today was supposed to be a day of celebration, a day to rejoice. Yet… Today was the historic day when the National Defense Force, the one she’d been championing its creation for the last five years, would open its doors for the first time. Yet, …