Chapter 35: I will protect my own home (5)

“Ouch!! Let go of me!! Hey! Let go!! Let me go right now or else!!” (Ye-Won) With her hair now tightly grasped, Yi Ye-Won began fighting back with all her might. Argh, I really wanna smack her, but I can’t!! (Yi Ji-Hyuk’s inner monologue) “And here I was, wondering why you haven’t come home yet!! Is this what you’ve been …

Chapter 34: I will protect my own home (4)

Jung Beom-Hyuk was a proud member of the Defcom. Currently, the Defcom was being seen as the true elites of Korean defense forces that possessed even higher prestige than that of the Special Forces. It was an organisation where even the most talented, hand-picked soldiers from the entire military system had to go through another round of stricter and far …

Chapter 33: I will protect my own home (3)

Both Seo Ah-Young’s and Choi Jung-Hoon’s gazes shifted towards Kim Jae-Beom’s direction. “From what you two have been saying about that dude… he’s like a walking, talking atomic bomb, isn’t he? And, we can’t control him, he doesn’t have any common sense, and we don’t have any answers on how to deal with him. Am I correct so far?” (Kim …

Chapter 32: I will protect my own home (2)

Who would be the ones to suffer the most hardship everytime the dang monsters went on a rampage? Could it be… the soldiers? Or, could it be… the ability users? Or, maybe, the police officers trying to maintain the outer perimeter? The answer was actually right here, in the KSF’s offices. “This is… this is pure insanity. That’s what this …

Chapter 31: I will protect my own home (1)

Yi Ji-Hyuk was enraged. Seriously now, didn’t that monster not know what lied in that direction? It was his home! His sweet, sweet home, for chrissakes!! It was Yi Ji-Hyuk’s crib, full of snacks and playthings and happiness!! It was Yi Ji-Hyuk’s shelter from the storm!! It was a place of his dreams, his hopes, and most importantly, his computer!! …

Chapter 30: Allow me to show you what defeat truly means (5)

‘Hey, isn’t that a Braad?’ (Yi Ji-Hyuk) The Braad – a type of ‘lifeform’ that was created when magical energy gathered in a certain way. And, a rare monster even in Berafe. If he were to get technical about it, this creature was actually just a wee bit closer to a ‘fairy-like’ being than a true monster, though. ‘But, again, …

Chapter 29: Allow me to show you what defeat truly means (4)

The Flame Witch’s demonic flames stylishly flared up. “So, you’re saying…” (Seo Ah-Young) Seo Ah-Young tried to cool herself down with her hands acting as fans. If she couldn’t get the flames under control, then she might end up roasting the man standing right in front of her alive even before she could do something about it. “…That was the …

Chapter 28: Allow me to show you what defeat truly means (3)

*SFX for a car coming to a screeching halt* A white luxury sedan turned around the street corner violently, before coming to an abrupt stop. When the driver’s door opened, Choi Jung-Hoon exited with a face several shades darker than usual. “Ha-ah…” The only thing escaping from his mouth was a long, long sigh, while only expressions he could form …

Chapter 27: Allow me to show you what defeat truly means (2)

From the rippling empty air that wavered and danced like the water’s surface, a young female stepped out. She sported a bob-cut hair and an appearance still too young to be called a woman yet. Her facial features were eye-catchingly cute, but her deadpan expression managed to pretty much conceal all that cuteness. It was none other than Doh Gah-Yun. …

Chapter 26: Allow me to show you what defeat truly means (1)

“I’m home!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “Aigoo~~ my son!!” (mom) Mom ran quickly to her son and hugged him urgently. Smiling, Yi Ji-Hyuk embraced her back. “What’s all the fuss, mom?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “What do you mean, a fuss?! My precious son got dragged away by those scary SARD people, that’s why!!” (mom) “SARD?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Was that how everyone else addressed …