Chapter 415: We must ask him to keep fighting (5)

“F*cking geezers.” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) Choi Jeong-Hoon exited from the Blue House, still fuming nonstop. Click, click! He clicked on the lighter several times, but for some reason it didn’t want to work. He tossed the useless thing outside the driver’s window of his car, then out of the blue, slammed his palm down on the steering wheel. “Uwaaaaaaah!!!” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) …

Chapter 414: We must ask him to keep fighting (4)

Choi Jeong-Hoon shot up from his seat and glared murderously at Christopher McLaren. “Why are you suggesting complete nonsense?!” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) Although he didn’t lose all semblance of decorum with how he spoke, Choi Jeong-Hoon’s eyes remained viciously hostile, as if he’d rip the American to shreds at any given moment. However, Christopher McLaren didn’t lose his relaxed demeanour. – …

Chapter 413: We must ask him to keep fighting (3)

“I admit that we don’t have a whole lot of other things to do. I really do.” (Kim Dah-Hyun) Kim Dah-Hyun’s voice was filled to the brim with dissatisfaction. “And I also understand why we got dragged here to work, since we didn’t have anything better to do, anyway. It’s not like we get paid peanuts and our salaries come …

Chapter 412: We must ask him to keep fighting (2)

South Korea’s President Yun Yeong-Min was in a state of panic. But the current situation was so serious that the people around him had barely noticed his state. The old adage went that a man facing an extreme situation would rarely display any outward signs of emotional instability, and that assertion seemed somewhat true today. Yun Yeong-Min received the situation …

Chapter 411: We must ask him to keep fighting (1)

“…Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) Choi Jeong-Hoon ended up asking a question even before noticing that he did. ‘What’s different about him?’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon) He just couldn’t figure it out. This wouldn’t be his first time seeing Yi Ji-Hyuk with reddened eyes. Well, the latter’s eyes always became bloodshot whenever he used his magical powers, that’s why. However… Something felt …

Chapter 410: Not like I wished for it (5)

“What is that?” (Yun Hyuk-Gyu) Yun Hyuk-Gyu dazedly stared at the skies above. It was as if a gigantic hole had opened up in the heavens. And some kind of a strong gravitational force was coming from that hole. Bits of debris from the buildings strewn about on the ground slowly rose up in the air, then leisurely drifted towards …

Chapter 409: Not like I wished for it (4)

“Ku-hahahahaha!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk dashed towards the demon king Narusius with one-metre-long claws on both of his hands made out of magical power. “You insane fool!” (Narusius) Narusius roared out and got ready to engage the human still madly rushing towards it. Even if the demon king was currently in the injured state, Yi Ji-Hyuk was a sorcerer. To …

Chapter 408: Not like I wished for it (3)

“Freaking hell! This is bloody nuts, man!” (Kim Dah-Hyun) Kim Dah-Hyun let out an angry yell. No matter how many he killed and pushed back, the number of monsters flooding in didn’t seem to decrease at all. It was like the monster horde was being regenerated constantly and him being stuck in an endless loop of killing them over and …

Chapter 407: Not like I wished for it (2)

Goh-ooooooh! The magic circle began sucking in the surrounding Mana and resonated loudly. Yi Ji-Hyuk watched this scene unfold and smirked deeply. He could sense Mana permeating within the atmosphere. One could easily call this a great upheaval. Regular people had no idea about this change at all, but to those capable of using Mana, it felt like an oxygen …

Chapter 406: Not like I wished for it (1)

Yi Ji-Hyuk stared at the demon king before his eyes and tilted his head. “Uh, so. You’re…” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Question marks floated up around his eyes and his head constantly tilted from one side to the other, causing the demon king’s expression to crumple unsightly. “It is I! Narusius!” “Ehhh, mm…” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk maintained his “I still don’t …