Chapter 405: That’s why we’ve ended up in this state (5)

Jeong In-Su couldn’t offer any sort of resistance even when the demon king’s hand closed in on his face. No, wait – rather than couldn’t, there was no meaning in offering it in the first place. No matter what he did, the existence in front his eyes possessed enough power to treat his life like an item to be taken …

Chapter 404: That’s why we’ve ended up in this state (4)

KWA-BOOOOM! It was as if the whole city was being bombarded in an air raid. A city that had not been exposed to an external attack for over half a century was now revealing its wounded flesh from the chain of explosions going off everywhere. Waaaaail!!! Also, the deafening sirens wailing in every direction attested to the urgency of the …

Chapter 403: That’s why we’ve ended up in this state (3)

“Uhm, I’m here to exercise, though?” (Kim Dah-Som) “Nah, you don’t need to. You’re still so young, so why exercise?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “But, I’ll gain weight if I don’t?” (Kim Dah-Som) “It’s fine. It’s okay to put on a bit of weight.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “…You like curvier girls?” (Kim Dah-Som) “Well, you could say that I do lean that way.” …

Chapter 402: That’s why we’ve ended up in this state (2)

“…Shall we call it a day and go home?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon) “Hiiiieeek?!” What Choi Jeong-Hoon said just then caused every single agent’s head to snap towards the clocks in the office. “It, it, it’s already five in the afternoon?!” “We’re closing up shop at five?! Holy mother of Jesus, we’re going to clock out at regular office hours, just like …

Chapter 401: That’s why we’ve ended up in this state (1)

The South Korean government’s response to the latest unfolding crisis was unusually swift. Didn’t matter what the severity of the crisis facing the nation, this government was infamous for how slow it was with their response but at least this time around, they were quick to go beyond the boundaries of the constitution and made rapid counter moves. They quickly …

Chapter 400: See? I told you that the dude’s a turtle brain (5)

(TL: 400!!!) Yi Ji-Hyuk strode inside the house but then, suddenly covered his mouth. “Bleeeeergh!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) He crumpled to the ground and vomited out blackish blood like a gushing waterfall. “Euh… Mom’s gonna shout at me for this.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk snapped his fingers. “Clean!” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) A simple magic spell was cast, and the blood splattered on …

Chapter 399: See? I told you that the dude’s a turtle brain (4)

“…Huh?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk stared at Barasga’s intact head and muttered regrettably. “It didn’t shatter?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “……………..” The demon king looked up at him with dumbfounded eyes. “A magician wants to stomp my head and destroy it?! What crazy rubbish are you attempting to do?!” (Barasga) “Ah, right. You’re really sturdy, aren’t you?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk scratched …

Chapter 398: See? I told you that the dude’s a turtle brain (3)

The atmosphere of this place cooled down rapidly. The demon kings could feel through their skin just how much Mana Yi Ji-Hyuk managed to swallow up. The fluctuations transmitted through the air were so strong that the demons were automatically being pushed back. ‘He’s like a human condensing machine.’ (Barasga) The demon kings often felt this in the past – …

Chapter 397: See? I told you that the dude’s a turtle brain (2)

“What a living hell this is.” (Christopher McLaren) Christopher McLaren rubbed his eyes in fatigue while staring at the scenes coming from various locations through the large monitor on the wall. The military dispatched to Arizona had been decimated, and as for Germany, they were somehow managing to cling on, but it was only a matter of time. There was …

Chapter 396: See? I told you that the dude’s a turtle brain (1)

“A mere delaying tactic.” (Barasga) Barasga watched the two disappear inside the Gate and licked its face with its long tongue. That Gate wasn’t connected to another dimension. Meaning, it was safe to assume that no matter where that portal led to, the demon king wouldn’t find itself in danger. However, there was this one thing that got on its …