Chapter 6

Laurence ran. He had never run so hard in his life, but then his life had never really been in danger before. The beast had given him a small head start but was hot on his tail the entire time. It enjoyed the chase and hoped that the young boy would lead it to even more tasty flesh.   Garral …

Chapter 5

Cleo sat in the common room, swinging her feet beneath the chair she was seated on. As usual she was alone. When she and the other two golden children of the Ignis clan had arrived they immediately notified everyone that she was persona-non-grata, and everyone quickly stopped showing any form of friendliness towards her. All golden children knew what being …

Chapter 4

The first thing that struck Laurence as he arrived on the new floor was the heat. Humid, bitter heat permeated everything in the surroundings and made each breath stick in his lungs. The heat and light seemed to make the surrounding plants thrive. All the plants in this place were massive, with trees reaching hundreds of meters into the air, …

Chapter 3

“Cleopatra Tiberian Ignis, please come up to the dais,” said the old woman in white. She held her withered hand high and a young girl in blue silk robes came forward. “Despite the nature of your birth, you have risen above the others of your age, and are declared one of the Golden Children of the Book of Chaos. Congratulations, …

Chapter 2

For what felt like a long time Laurence saw nothing but emptiness. He was all that there was, all that there could be. He just drifted in the void wondering what the point in this place was. After a moment, maybe an age, Laurence felt a prickling, then a slight pull, then a tug in a direction. He had nothing …

Chapter 1

For as long as Laurence could remember he was treated as an auspicious child. The fact that he was born on midnight of the New Cycle meant that most people of the village he lived in thought he was lucky. He didn’t mind it too much, but it annoyed him when people rubbed his head for good luck.   His …


Father Angus stood in the center of the medicinal garden, just feeling the cool winter breeze. It was the final day of the year, and the start of a new cycle. That meant hard work and very little sleep during the festival of rebirth. The parish would want to make sure that they had the gods’ favour for the coming …

Chapter 14 Volume 1: Forging a Foundation Scene Six

Noticing Ian’s odd behavior despite only knowing him for a few days, Gaelan raised a brow. He had the feeling that quite a lot had transpired between these two young people in the past; a feeling that turned out to be on the mark. “How have you been?” Lauren asked, smiling gently in spite of the awkward air between them. …

Chapter 13 Volume 1: Forging a Foundation Scene Five

“What kind of reaction is that?” Alayna asked, clearly offended, or perhaps pretending to be. “Uh… nothing?” Ian hesitantly replied, averting his gaze. In response, Alayna glared at him. The short bickering between siblings caused Gaelan to chuckle. Then, Ian looked at Gaelan and, in an attempt to change the subject, said, “Yeah, so, let’s go get that stuff I …

Chapter 12 Volume 1: Forging a Foundation Scene Four

“What is wrong with these people?” Ian muttered while using a towel to soak up the water that spewed from his mouth earlier. The previous News announcement left him fairly dumbfounded. Apparently, the radicals of the Nature Purist movement had gained enough influence to get national laws put in place for their beliefs. Something about it did not sit right …