Chapter 25 Volume One: Behind Closed Doors Scene Five

A little after noon, Ian realized that Sarah had led him to a small park. A few families were sharing picnics together near a bubbling stream which flowed as far as the eye could see to either direction of the park. Several oaks, maples, flowers, and bushes swayed gently in the breeze throughout the area. All of the vegetation were …

Chapter 22 Volume 1: Behind Closed Doors Scene Two

As Ian walked up to the Southern Gate of Conncinnanta, several passersby cast concerned glances his direction. Who wouldn’t be worried by a person covered in cuts and gashes, especially with a blood-soaked cloth tied around his waist? One young woman with dirty blond hair and pale green eyes emerged from the gates around the time Ian reached the bridge. …

Arc 1 Chapter 9: You can’t always get what you want

Year 696. With the non-aggression pact between the four kingdoms who managed to survive the third great war in place, each kingdom was able to solidify their power. The last war had left many with a bitter taste in their mouths. After the demigods disappeared, there were many groups of dissatisfied people voicing their dissent. It was due to the …

Arc 1 Chapter 4: Last day at the capital

Due to the kidnapping the incident, everyone was confined to staying inside the castle. Most of their time was either spent training, in class or watching the nobles debate with each other in the great hall. There was also the rare chance to freely play in the castle’s gardens. Akira, Rodger, Marc, along with the two princesses, were sitting in …

Arc 1 Chapter 3: Life lessons

“Don’t misbehave, and listen to your tutor while you’re out in the city. This is also a part of your lessons, not for you to play around. Marc, you are the oldest so you are to help out and make sure everyone behaves,” Brutus ordered. It was early morning. The three boys and their tutor stood at the front gate …

Arc 1 Chapter 2: Capital City

Year 686. Akira, Rodger, and Marc had been living in the capital city for a little over a month due to Brutus’s work during the fall months. The king had prepared luxurious guest rooms in the castle for them to stay in. It was currently a cool early morning, which meant that the three boys were training alone with lead-filled …