Chapter 105

Rose Island was located in their nation’s territorial waters. There were rumors that the island was occupied by foreign pirates hundreds of years ago. The pirates slaughtered the aborigines on the island. In one night, countless roses bloomed passionately like fire across the island.

This was why it was known as Rose Island. However, its original name was Wangjun Island.

It symbolized the longing one had towards their partner.

“I think the name Wangjun Island is very nice,” Qi Yan took two booklets from the staff. After arriving in the lounge, he gave Cen Baihe a copy, pointed to the words “Wangjun Island”, and said, “I guess her lover must have died, otherwise why would he let her wait for so long?”

No matter what the reason was, it was very cruel to the woman who was waiting for her lover.

“How can you be sure that it was the woman who was waiting?” Cen Baihe pointed to another paragraph, “the one who discovered this island was a trusted official of the emperor, and he gave the island this name not long afterward.”

“We can’t compare history and love stories. It doesn’t matter if it is true or not, as long as it’s moving,” Qi Yan closed the booklet, “I am not the man in the story, and I won’t make you wait for me like that.”


“I’m not one to wait either,” Cen Baihe’s heart trembled slightly. “If you’re not here, I’ll come to you. I won’t give up until I find you.”

Qi Yan paused. He knew that Baihe was serious.

“You won’t have to search for me,” Qi Yan took Cen Baihe’s hand and whispered in his ear, “Don’t even try to run, I have powers, so I’ll find you.”

“Okay, we’ll be stuck together forever,” Cen Baihe took Qi Yan’s hand and stared into his eyes. “For as long as we live.”


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Qi Yan smiled and kissed him on the lips. Cen Baihe touched his lips for a moment, then lowered his head to kiss him.

“Master Qi, it’s time to get ready to board the plane.” Xiang Qiang pushed open the door of the VIP lounge, realizing that he might have interrupted them, and looked away awkwardly. “Master Qian, it’s time to check in and board the plane.”

This exchange was not open to the public, and it was held in their country, so the authority had arranged a special flight to Rose Island for the participants. The pilot and co-pilot were from the military, so there would be no more hijacking incidents.

Cen Baihe let go of Qi Yan, flattened the upturned collar for him, and lifted the suitcase beside him. “Let’s go.”

Xiang Qiang grinned at Qi Yan. “Master Qi, you actually brought Mr. Cen with you.”

Cen Baihe was silent. There was no expression on his face, but Qi Yan felt that Baihe looked uncomfortable.

“So?” Qi Yan glared at Xiang Qiang, his expression dark, “if he’s not welcomed, we will leave immediately.”

“No, no,” Xiang Qiang realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly explained, “I don’t mean it in a bad way. Please don’t be angry.”

Xiang Qiang wished he could give himself a slap. “I really don’t mean anything bad, I was just surprised that someone like Mr. Cen would have time to come along.”

“For me, he does,” Qi Yan turned to look at Cen Baihe, “right?”

“Yeah.” Cen Baihe nodded with a smile, “just for you.”

Xiang Qiang covered his cheeks in response to their public display of affection.

At the boarding gate, most of the people there were staff of the Special Task Force. Those who accepted the invitation obediently handed them their luggage for inspection.

“Master Zhao, please board the plane,” Yin Na handed the suitcase to the colleague behind her. “If you need anything on the plane, please let us know.”

Master Zhao smiled and nodded. When he was about to get on the plane, he heard Qi Yan’s voice coming from behind. Looking back, it was him.

“Master Qi,” the smile on Master Zhao’s face became even wider. He stood there waiting for Qi Yan to come over, “I was just thinking about you, this is…” He saw Cen Baihe next to Qi Yan and was stunned for a moment, “Mr. Cen?”

“Master Zhao,” Cen Baihe nodded to him, “hello.”

Although Master Zhao didn’t understand why Cen Baihe was here, he didn’t show it on his face.

“Excuse me sir, please show your invitation letter.” Yin Na didn’t want Qi Yan’s friends to think that she was trying to make things difficult, but it was her job to check the identity of the guests, and it would be dereliction of duty if she didn’t ask.

Although Mr. Cen was well-known, he was not a master. It seemed a bit strange for him to be here.

“He came with me, so he doesn’t need an invitation letter,” Qi Yan didn’t know the staff member who stopped Baihe, so he walked to Cen Baihe and saidl, “he’s using mine.”

“But this is against the rule…” Yin Na stammered, “Master Qi…”

“Yin Na,” Xiang Qiang came over, “Mr. Cen came with Master Qi, so you don’t need to check his invitation letter.”

Yin Na gave Xiang Qiang a puzzled look and took a step back, “I’m sorry, please come in.” She secretly glanced at Qi Yan, and was glad that there was no displeasure on his face. However, he didn’t give her a second look.

“Yin Na,” Zhao Zhicheng hurried over, “has Master Qi arrived?”

“Yes, he just went in with Master Zhao,” Yin Na said with blushed cheeks, “Captain, wait…”

“Did he bring a companion?” Zhao Zhicheng interrupted Yin Na, not wanting her to continue.

Yin Na didn’t think much, and said bluntly. “Master Qi brought Mr. Cen along. Is it appropriate to bring a person like Mr. Cen to the Mystical Exchange?”

“Who did he bring?!” Zhao Zhicheng could hardly believe his ears.

Yin Na thought she did something wrong, and immediately blamed herself, “It’s Mr. Cen Baihe, captain, did I do something wrong?”

“No,” Zhao Zhicheng shook his head dazedly and muttered to himself, “so it’s a man…”

Yin Na sent away the mumbling captain in confusion, and felt even more strange in her heart. Why did the captain react so strongly after learning that Master Qi brought Mr. Cen.

Half an hour later, the plane was ready to take off. Yin Na and another colleague checked the list of people on the plane again.

Only allowed on

“Several masters have brought their wives along. It’s no wonder that very few people ordered sweet or oily food this time. They are being watched.” The staff secretly gossip about these masters behind their backs. “I hope they will bring pride to our country this time.”

“With Master Qi here, there will definitely be a good result.” Yin Na said firmly, “don’t worry!”

“You’re so confident in Master Qi?” A colleague opened his eyes wide and said in a low voice, “were you there when Master Qi performed the ritual last time?”

“Of course,” Yin Na said, “plus, shouldn’t I have confidence in our nation’s masters?”

“Yes, that’s good.” The colleague shrugged, “don’t be like the others. So what if it’s a man, as long as they love each other and not hurt others.”

“Well, love is free,” Yin Na agreed, and it took a while before she realized what her colleague meant.

Master Qi and Mr. Cen, the two came together. She finally discovered the truth.

So they were romantically involved?

Yin Na felt sad that her secret love was doomed before it even started.

She felt so bad that when she walked up to Cen Baihe and Qi Yan, she didn’t know how to speak.

“What’s the matter?” Qi Yan saw a pretty girl in uniform looking at him and Baihe in a daze, and asked, “you don’t look very well, do you want to sit down and rest?”

“No, I’m fine,” Yin Na shook her head, trying to make her smile look more friendly, “what drink would you like?”

“No, I’m good,” Qi Yan smiled politely at her, “I don’t need anything right now.”

“Alright, if you need anything, just call me.” Yin Na bowed to the two of them and said, “I wish you a pleasant journey.”


After Yin Na left, Cen Baihe whispered, “The way that girl looked at you just now wasn’t quite right.”

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s such a gentle look,” Cen Baihe said, grabbing Qi Yan’s hand subconsciously.

“Nonsense, I don’t even know her name, how can I have anything to do with her? Don’t be jealous.”

“I’m not jealous, I’m just saying,” Cen Baihe said. “You’re overthinking it.”

Who was overthinking?

It took nearly three hours for the plane to arrive at Rose Island. When Qi Yan got off the plane, he heard someone say “two men”, “disgusting”, etc. He frowned and looked over, and saw Master Qian’s second apprentice.

He didn’t expect him to be here.

“Qian Qian, what’s wrong?” Cen Baihe noticed that Qi Yan’s expression didn’t look right.

“Nothing,” Qi Yan smiled, “let’s go.”

If Baihe didn’t hear them, he didn’t want to tell him to avoid making him sad..

However, Qi Yan was not someone who could forgive and forget easily.

- my thoughts:
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